Comfortable in Chaos

a woman in black skirt with a white waist and a cropped blue button up and embellished mules spinning in the midst of boxes and packing

I owe you an apology. And an explanation. And to get back to me– and this, our wonderful fashion community here.

As I told you last week, here, we had a massive leak under the dish washer which has lead to the majority of flooring in the downstairs of my house to be replaced. It’s overwhelming on its own- and we are still waiting on insurance and workers to come. What has been happening the past week? Movers and Packers have come- by the way this house is so full of china and books, and things and that’s not even touching my closet– and begun boxing everything up. To sit in your house (that feels as if it’s falling apart) and watch others pack your things is uncomfortable at best. Awful at worst. And there have been issues- things getting packed that we need, the cats being herded (and acting out), our own big feelings about this.

**** Super side note, this has made me even more empathetic to the recent hurricane victims who have lost everything. OR are going through worse clean up than we are. IF you have anything to give I would recommend giving it. I have donated to get formula to babies and to animal rescues trying to take care of all those pets!*******

I know we have been through a lot here- but this all has felt so big and consuming and overwhelming. Days when we couldn’t use the kitchen, all of the above, and this all hitting when I thought I would get out of my slump and “restart”. My reaction? I have shut down. I have down the bare minimum, while still shopping, I have even avoided social media and friends as it was too much. Not. what I am most proud of, but what’s been happening.

The reality? I have no idea when things will get back to normal. We don’t even know when the packers will be done, when the workers will begin taking out and then replacing floors, how anything will look. Most likely for months. And it hit me this week that I can’t spend months avoiding, not getting dressed, just wanting it to be over. As you may know, I believe in our fashion because I believe in our stories. Part of mine right now is chaos. And I can lay down OR I can get comfortable in that. Get dressed during that. Pull myself out of a rut and learn to thrive in that.

Or at least that’s my plan. I don’t want to disappear on you- on us- on myself or my shoes. I am telling you right now is not easy for me. (and yes, I did think about pretending everything is aok but that’s not fair to my story. Or you) But I’m back. I’m going to tell the next few months in AMAZING outfits. And I am asking for your forgiveness and your thoughts– and maybe your grace when I feel overwhelmed.

We will be back on Sunday for Chronicles (we may be chatting about the upsides here? A bit of redecorating on ins? getting to tap dance on the floors?) and starting Monday new outfits. And yes! While we only have 2 Weds before Halloween left my top 2 fashion halloweens for this year are all ours (and I can’t wait to share them with you). In good news? I got a shower and did “get dressed” today?

May chaos is a thing we can get comfortable – and get dressed in. Here’s to doing it with you!

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.

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