Falling for Proportions

a woman in a leather bomber jacket and wide leg barrel jeans and camel heels
a woman in a leather bomber jacket and wide leg barrel jeans and camel heels
a woman in a leather bomber jacket and wide leg barrel jeans and camel heels
a woman in a leather bomber jacket and wide leg barrel jeans and camel heels

Barrel jeans. The re-emergence of shoulder pads. What if our clothes had shape, instead of just shaping us? This is a HUGE conversation, and I will flat out admit that I not always the best to lead these- I take a lot of my cues, and get so much insight from a stylist named Lakyn (here’s her website and a men’s style commentator (who’s on Twitter- yep still calling it that- as @dieworkwear but you can also find Derek at dieworkwear). Both of these fashion experts have launched fascinating conversations about “what is flattering”, “the shape of our clothes” , and how perhaps our clothes should have a shape apart from us.

I will be frank- without making this a whole thing about my body issues and how I have spent so much of my life only wanting to look and be smaller- the proportions this fall are fun. What if our jeans. Or jackets. Were big and took up space and had their own space. What if shoulder pads and hip (not pads but for sure a flare) was something that we let lead our outfits? And what if (me, I am talking to me!) we let our clothes have a shape outside of oh-so-tight (and what if also that made us look oh so slim?!?!) and it was fantastic?!

Barrel jeans are in- and I love the way that they curve and lend a bit of something to every outfit. And these jeans? A bit of a flare. A Lot of a look. And even though they feel as if it’s a statement- also are amazing with just a t-shirt.

a woman in a leather bomber jacket and wide leg barrel jeans and camel heels
a woman in a leather bomber jacket and wide leg barrel jeans and camel heels
a woman in a leather bomber jacket and wide leg barrel jeans and camel heels
a woman in a leather bomber jacket and wide leg barrel jeans and camel heels

What if we let the proportions of our outfits were able to lead the way. What if our clothes had a shape of their own. What if I was able to choose between statements and questions. (and yet- what if both statements and questions are valid?) Fall is about a lot of things- a change of seasons, and with it a change of our perspective. Which can mean a change in our proportions. The big legs, the big shoulders? I love them. And it also means a change is coming (if you, like me, are in a place where it’s so so hot still!), but a change in form? It’s something. And it’s amazing. And leading with clothes that set the proportion is a bit of fun that’s too much fun to let go.

I will be honest that I don’t know if I would have been comfortable with big clothes in other parts of my life- but these pieces that are a bit big or give a bit bigger silhouette? I LOVE them. What if fat is about exploring the parts of ourselves that may be a bit big? Or just a new shape?

What are your proportions for fall?

And how are you managing them?

These exact jeans are linked below. This amazing leather bomber? It’s vintage () and these shoes are classics. Perhaps proportions are something we over think but are oh-so-fantastic and can move us forward.

What are your thoughts?? XO RA

Note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

And these jeans can be found:

a woman in a leather bomber jacket and wide leg barrel jeans and camel heels

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.

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