This week has been a little off. We were without power on and off for a few days. Then my neighbor had a gas link — and somehow it made me sick! On top of a very busy to-do list, it was a bit jarring. To say the least. But. it’s the weekend which really kicks off the season (as it were). The Kentucky Derby and Cinco de Mayo. Even on the couch I will be rocking this caftan (and maybe drinking something minty or spicy). In the meantime, let’s revisit this pieces!
Caftans are the quintessntail summer chic. They’re elegant and yet they hide everything. (I’ve always had a thing for caftans including this one from my love AAVintedge). Caftans can be worn dressed up or down, at the pool or on a casual day, there’s no right or wrong way to Rock a Caftan (part of their appeal).
My fave way to Rock a Caftan? Find one you love that makes you feel special. This one from NewCropShop is simply to die for! Those sleeves! That embroidery (all done by hand!) It’s perfect for an event (even a wedding) or just a day that needs a pop.
You can order one at New Crop Shop, shop my picks below, and let me know all the ways you Rock a Caftan!
All above pics taken by Kyn Photography
Loves, I have to admit this post was hard to write! Not because I don’t love this caftan, or love to Rock a Caftan, but because my heart is in TX. At times like these it can feel so overwhelming and we can feel so helpless that we do nothing. I understand that. I think the solution, and how we combat that is to do a little. As one of my fave people says “Do a little with great love”. There are so many organizations that you can choose to give to, I won’t tell you which is best. I’m linking Red Cross and this article from Texas Monthly that outlines where you can give. I know various stores are giving part of their proceeds this week to relief efforts, and I will link them as I get details. Let’s go out there, Rock our Caftans, love each other, and do some good.
And loves! Remember our great Skin Print EyeDeal giveaway? Due to the craziness of this week I’m extending the deadline! Go get you some amazing eye cream!