Sunday Chronicles: I Can Do It With a Broken Heart…

a palm tree and fire in the Hollywood hills- from NBC 5 Chicago
From NBC 5 Chicago- the fires in LA burning

On Friday I not only mentioned that the LA Fires are breaking my heart, I listed some vetted resources where you can help. My heart? Still breaking. Not only was LA home for oh-so-many-years, and is still home in so many ways, my loved ones are still there. From afar, I know Hollywood and LA seems glitz and glam, full of celebrities- but the neighborhoods getting burned are not only people you see on TV (who may not be as rich as you think), but regular people with dreams and families. The thought of not only losing a house, but everything inside and all the memories? I am still having problems being productive because the images and thoughts and worries upset me so. It’s that thing where I am desperate to follow all the news and yet attempting to distract myself as well.

In short, for all of us I think it’s an emotional and difficult time. And that’s from afar. Like me, you might be desperate to help but unsure of how to start. There are so many organizations and go-fund me’s out there. But. Here we do fashion. And I can only imagine how devastating losing my closet would be-so I am using that as fuel for how to help.

There are so many brands who are making care packages, or are donating profits to recovery efforts. Some I love:
ClareV has a “Los Angeles Je T’aime” collection with proceeds going to relief.
And you can find a comprehensive list of what brands are doing what (yes, some brands are giving money- but if you see your faves here it’s another reason to shop with them!) here and here.

January is a time where most of us clean out our closets. I am no exception- I’ve had it on my list to switch my closet from summer to winter for a while, and was going to use that to do a clean sweep. Now, I am especially motivated as I will take my clothes and contact SecondsMarket– they will pair you with someone in need and help with shipping or drop offs.
(Please note, no matter where you are I have seen so many stores organize clothing drives, so look into your local stores as well for places to donate!)

Another way to give fashion?

Well Cloth’d is partnering with @ShopQuirkLA to collect clothing and essential items. They’ve created an Amazon wish list for those who would like to send new items directly. They’re also collecting gently used items. You can also help by donating via their Venmo (@wellclothd) to help with shipping costs.

Also, Baby2Baby are donating baby supplies (including diapers and formula) to those in need. You can donate at the link.

I know charity links and ways to help are being updated all over your feeds and the news. Disaster on this scale can be overwhelming – and I know this isn’t the only thing happening in the world. The way we get through this- and anything – is each other. Even if we can only give a little, even if we only can only help one person- anything we do in love, in community, for each other helps. We save each other.

I hope that you will join me, in however feels best for you, to giving and helping what we can.

Wishing us all a week of no fires and amazing shoes! XO

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.

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