Fun fact: the name of this blog is kind of a joke. As in, my mom is an accountant and very number oriented. I. Am. not. And if you’ve done your research, you know that certain fashion items (looking at you Chanel and Hermes bags) actually INCREASE in value. Maybe I’m on to something?
But. Does that mean that every investment piece is a designer bag or a big deal? I don’t think so! For me, an investment piece is an outfit item (accessories too!) that you need in your life, that you use all the time, that adds value to your life. Maybe you’re into your workouts- you need great *non-see-through* leggings. A lot of them. Big wig in a corp job? Probably need suits. Go to a lot of events? You need party dresses.
I absolutely think that for everything you need it’s best to go for quality over quantity. But it’s not a needed thing to break the bank for every purchase. What do you need? What do you wear? What makes you happy? Let’s start there. And buy pieces that fit our lives- that are great quality.
By your definition, what is an investment piece? And what are you investing in?
Let’s chat about it!
I would really love to hear your thoughts and what you’re shopping right now!
A question that I get asked often: Why name your blog “Investment Piece”? What does that mean? I think about that a lot. What is an investment piece, what is worth investing in? It also occurs to me that we are still in the “getting to know you” phase of the blog. We’re still figuring each other out. So, let’s chat. Let’s figure out what we think an Investment Piece is, and let’s share some of our fashion philophies theories. I’ll do my part, you in? You can look forward to me sharing more of my “fashion thoughts” and practices. For starters? This piece I did on investment pieces. I still agree with this list, what about you?
You may have caught onto the fact that I spend money on my closet–that I consider some pieces an investment. Or as the saying goes, “I like my money where I can see it, hanging in my closet”. This is not a call to blow your budget on shopping–another post but yes, I do believe in saving and budgets and all of those adult things. However, I do believe that there are clothing items that are worth spending money on; that you may need to have certain items in your closet–and that spending money on certain fashion items is worthwhile.
So what is an investment piece? In real estate and various markets an investment piece is something that will make you money–it will grow in value, you can sell it for more than you paid–or at least make back what you spent. I cannot promise you that any fashion piece you buy will make you money, but there are pieces that can get you your money’s worth.
1. Shoes/Bags/Belts
These are items that take a lot of wear and tear–you walk on them, bang them around, stretch them. The more well made an item is, the more it can take this wear and tear in stride–let’s be honest, nothing ruins your day like a shoe/purse/belt falling apart. These items are often what pulls an outfit together–and can make you look more expensive. A $5 t-shirt looks great with $800 shoes –believe me, I know.
2. Coats
I spend my time mainly in TX and CA–not places where I need a heavy coat; however, I still think they’re a worthwhile investment. Choose the right one and it will never go out of style–and between travel and the changing climates you’re going to need one!
3. Your “Suit”
Not all of us work a 9-5 job, but all of us have an outfit type that we reach for over and over again for work–even if it is sweatpants. Just like you want the best suit possible for your 9-5 job, you want the best “suit” for your life. If that means a real suit, jeans and blouse, or yoga pants investing in high quality will help you make the best impression possible and can often make you feel better.
4. A Classic Black Outfit
For spontaneous somber and joyous occasions you need something in your closet you don’t have to think about, in extreme states of emotions great shopping rarely happens. The good news is that there is a black outfit for everyone; even better news champagne in the fridge counts as a joyous occasion in my book!
5. Something Fun
Bag, jewelry, shoes–whatever makes you happy I believe we all deserve one statement piece that is just for us. Yes, I think you should stay within budget–but I can tell you how great it feels to save up and get that one big thing you want. And if you need a place to wear it–remember you have that champagne in the fridge!
Honorable Mentions: A White Tshirt (goes with everything), Jean Jacket (basic) and Lingerie (because a great bra can change your life).
I’d love to know–what do you consider an Investment Piece?
Shop some of my picks for investment pieces below:
We are sad to let you know that we are going to be down for a few days, due to scheduled maintance. In this time, we’re working on bringing you a more friendly site, better pics, and exciting new content full of outfit inspiration and fashion news! What to know: Continue reading Scheduled Maintance