Little White Dress

Investment Piece: Little White Dress
Investment Piece: Little White Dress
Investment Piece: Little White Dress
Investment Piece: Little White Dress
Investment Piece: Little White Dress

For spring? What if we put our little black dresses away (just for a minute. I’ll wear a lot of black this season, I promise), but, just for something new- what if we tried a little white dress? For new beginnings? For Hope? For something a little different!

Now. Things I have thought in my little white dress: “I hope I don’t spill” ” My Grandma was right, knees are the most awkward part of the body” “Is this long enough?” “Is this too bridal?” “Will that come out?”

And yet. With all my fears, sometimes spills, and the many, many times I have steamed this dress to get all the wrinkles out- there is something about wearing white. Maybe it is because I wear so much black, or maybe because it is hopeful. But. In white I feel like I stand out just enough, that I look just enough hopeful. That my look is just enough spring.

I won’t be packing away my black for good- there’s no need to get crazy. However, I am trying to add more white in my waredrobe. What about you? How does white make you feel? Are you going to be wearing it with me?

This dress is old (and these shoes are from a few seasons ago- a gift from me to me! Yes, they take a minute to get used to a flatform, but once you do they are easy to walk in!) but I’ve linked you little white dresses I love for your shopping pleasure below!

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Investment Piece: Little White Dress