Sunday Chronicles: The Bright Side

a woman in black tap shoes and leg warmers and shorts in front of French doors

I have written – at this point more than once, and I am sure not for the last time- about the home damage and unexpected repairs and renovations. And yes, it’s not been great here. However, because of who I am, how I was raised, and a firm belief that what we concentrate on increases, I can’t help (or hope) but to be positive. Look on the bright side, if you will.

Has this past week or so been awful? Uncomfortable? Sent me into anything but fashion? Yes.

Yet- this is a chance to redo floors, the kitchen and more (obviously not 100% free in any way) but with insurance help. And. Today, for the first time in weeks, I did something that I kinda always wanted to do, just for me, just for fun. I tapped dance on our wood floors. I took dance in my younger years, and while tap was never something I kept up with, it is something that’s not only fun and feels good– but maybe is a way to stomp things out. In past, prior to knowing the floors would be replaced I would have never put on my tap shoes and gone to town on parquet. Knowing it will be replaced? It gave me some freedom.

Note: I haven’t taken a class in years. Moves came back, but I am in no way, shape, or form good or should be considered so. But it was fun. I laughed. I felt good. I LOVED it. Tap may become a part of my routine as long as I have floor that’s being replaced. There is something to be said about doing something without worrying about if you’re good, or what people will think (though I am totally putting my dance on the Gram today! Why not!); but just doing something for pleasure. And again- stomping proved to be a great stress relief!

I am well aware that there are going to be days ahead that are not going to be great. Times when I again get overwhelmed and have big feelings from sadness to stress. I will worry about my cats and have days when my fashion story is oh-so-casual. BUT. In all that- I will get a new kitchen and floors and until then I will get to dance. A fair trade? We are still waiting, but while we are here, it just seems as if the sane thing to do is to dance (or look on all the bright sides) as much as we can.

Wishing us all a week of only bright sides and amazing shoes! Even those that tap! XO RA