Since November I have been needing/wanting/planning to switch my closet from summer to winter.
As mentioned in so many precious posts- the work on the house (and to be fair, all the trauma and big feelings and moves and etc) made that go on that back burner.
Then this weekend- in part of need, but also wanting to help those affected by the fires- I intended to start again. Then we had meeting with contractors, and our reconstruction starts today.
Tell God your plans and make him laugh?
And yet? In the midst of all the crazy– I intend to clean out, switch out, and redo my closet. To give to those who need it. And to help me. So, once again I am looking over my own old advice- taking heed, and will be making adjustments as needed. (You know I will keep you updated!)
The links I am looking back at:
another closet clean out
and of course thinking on how to improve this closet reveal
What are your best closet clean out processes? Any tips for me?
Here’s to the actual clean out and the process we love! XO RA