Shopping Tip: PreOrder


One of the questions that I get asked the most often is :”How do you get so many great things so quickly?” And while some of it just comes down to getting lucky, some of my ability to get a “hot” item right away is to pre-order it. I’ve written about one of my favorite sites, Moda Operandi, which is built on the concept of pre-ordering (you can read that post here). However, many stores will allow you to pre-order an item–you just have to ask!

So how do you know what you should pre-order? While some would tell you that you can spot a trend, or if you read about an item a lot you should pre-order it. Often, if a store knows that an item will sell out they offer the pre-order automatically. But my advice? Pieces you love. Anything you see that you know you have to have. Not everything will sell out, but if it’s a special piece you do run that risk–and it’s always nice to know that you don’t have to worry!
dress I pre-ordered on Milly, they had the option open!

Now, the most important question: If a store doesn’t have a pre-order option, how can you pre-order? Loves, the answer is simply to ask. I can’t promise that the answer will always be yes–but often times it is. Most stores now have a personal shopping option, or at least a customer care hotline. I’ve found if I contact the store with the item I want, asking when I can order, or if I can pre-order, most people are happy to help. Stores I’ve had success with: JCrew, Nordstrom, and stores like Mohawk General and Fred Segal. If they are unable to help you with a pre-order the good news is that you will know when the item goes live–which helps!
Jcrew pants I was able to pre-order!

And if the item you love does sell out and you miss it? I suggest getting on a re-stock list!

Happy Shopping! XO RA

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.