In Defense of Gift Cards


It’s the holiday season and besides eating turkey this weekend there’s above average chance that you went holiday shopping–for others and yourself! Every site has a list of gift suggestions, don’t worry-ours is coming–but among the knick-knacks, sweaters and clothing, there is often an item that goes ignored–the gift card. I know, gift cards have a bad reputation as a cop out–the gift that’s not personal or thought out. However, in defense of the gift card I have to tell you Internet friends, I love them!

I am a shopper–and I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that most of you are as well. Which means that more often than not, I have already bought myself what I want. The items on my Christmas list are usually the big ticket items, experiences (trips), and of course I do love the personal gifts that I didn’t even know I wanted (like my dino collection because if you know me well, you know that I love them!). However, what this means is that to me, a gift card is a personal, thoughtful gift. A gc to my fave store, or just one of those MC/Visa ones, is usually a way to contribute to the big ticket item I want. Movie Theater or Airline gift cards allow me to have great experiences that I love. And I’m grateful for that. I take gift cards as a way of the giver saying not only do they get me–that they support my love of shopping (big ticket items and all). So when they’re in my stocking or under the tree–I love it!

What’s your take? Do you like gift cards? Do you give them?

Happy Tuesday! XO RA

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.