Sunday Chronicles: International Women’s Day

Investment Piece: Sunday Chronicles

Here at Investment Piece we’re feminists (it’s not a dirty word). We truly believe that women and men are equal and should be treated as such. That being said, women are special. I’m sure that there are women in your life who’ve helped you, lifted you up, taken care of you, paved the way, and more. We love featuring other women entrepreneurs on this site, wearing women designers, and in general celebrating all the things that being a woman means.

Loves, let’s be honest there are times when being a woman is hard. (Just thinking about expounding on that makes me tired) So. Today, because it’s a day to celebrate us, instead of focusing on how hard it is, or how far we need to go, we want to hear about what’s great! What women in your life really helped you? Is amazing? Should be recognized? What do you love about the great women that you know? What are you doing to spread your greatness?

Today, I’m volunteering with a group of women who inspire me with their passion to make change and then having dinner with my mom (a real Shero).

I hope you get celebrated a bit today. I hope you celebrate women today. Here’s to us all!
Wishing us a week of equality and amazing shoes!

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.