Sunday Chronicles: This and That and SXSW

Investment Piece: This and That and SXSW
A Glimpse at the Hermes Dip&Dye Pop-Up during SXSW

Loves, these little Sunday Chronicles are some of my favorite times with you. I love sharing the thoughts that plague me, the events in my life, and using you as my sounding board for many things. What’s going on now? This and That and SXSW. Yes, usually this means that I share personal snapshots from my life or some sales that you can’t miss! And, yes, if you need that let me know! However, what’s going for me right now is simply a little of this and that (mainly thoughts) and SXSW. So, I’m sharing!

Confession? I’m not a festival gal. I love live music, but for some reason I can’t get all excited about the huge festivals that happen. That’s not a hard and fast rule, but it’s generally true that I would rather see artists I love in concert without the festival hoopla. SXSW? A little bit different for me. As you know, I split time between Texas and Los Angeles. So, when I happen to be in Austin for SXSW, I go. I don’t get full badges and go for days (that’s too exhausting for me);but, I make sure to see some bands, some films, and some panel discussions. This year I’ve seen small bands I love in intimate settings, fallen more in love with Emily Blunt (see A Quite Place, and listened to some intriguing thoughts on the future of fashion/technology. It was just enough to keep me busy, and not enough to overwhelm me. The perfect combo?

This and That
As I’ve sat in panels this past week, listening to what “experts” think consumers want, I couldn’t help but wonder: “What do you want?” I don’t think it’s any secret that the fashion industry is changing, that the “influencer” market is a bit crowded, and that we’re all looking for a way to stand out. Where do these things intersect? What I love about fashion? That you can use it to stand out, to speak for you, to be whoever you want to be that day, and that your fashion doesn’t have to be like anyone else. However, we all like being able to easily buy what we like, we like being popular, and some “classics” are items everyone should have. How do we balance this and that? Where are we going to take this and that?

I’m not 100% sure of the answers. These thoughts have been keeping me up and while I’ve come up with some ideas, most of this is still just this and that. Investment Piece? We’ll keep using our fashion to stand out. And yet, we’ll keep suggesting classics we think you should own. We’ll try to balance this and that by suggesting ways to stand out and ways to use what we all have. If there’s something you want to see, or an idea you want addressed, let your voice be heard!

Wishing us all a week of deep thoughts and amazing shoes! XO RA

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.