Gift Guide For You

Investment Piece, fashion blogger, high fashion, slip, slipper, 21, CA, TX

Are you tired of hearing “Tis the Season”, yet? Tired of worrying about your to-do list, gift list, and getting everything done while remaining jolly? I hear you, it’s a tough order to do holiday for everyone you love and maintain a bit of sanity for yourself. My solution? Treat yourself! Not in the social media way, but in a tangible, you deserve a gift and love way! So, as we’ve chatted gifts for everyone in your life, let’s chat about you! I present my gift guide for you!

1. An Item You Love
If it’s something you’ve been saving for, or something you just desperately love, Tis the season to buy yourself a treat. I’m a big fan of getting yourself something big and exciting. (And, yes, that means you can save up for it! That’s exciting too!) Treat yo self is not a subject I’m afraid of, so let me state again: I love saving up for big ticket items and buying them for myself. The process itself is fun, and you get a big time you love. (While I can’t afford them yet, I’m currently saving for these.) However, this doesn’t only work for big ticket items. From a pair of jeans you’ve had to your eye on to a sweater to a new book, buy yourself something you love!

Some of my picks:

2. SkinCare
Nothing says “treat yourself” than actually treating yourself. It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of SkinPrint and I can think of no better gift for you than the gift of healthy skin. I particularly love their eye deal, moisturizer, and exfoliatiants. Shop SkinPrint here.

3. A Day Off
A gift for you doesn’t always come with a bow. Maybe your gift for you comes in the form of time off, even if it’s just a few hours to enjoy yourself. A matinee, a few hours to read a book, an actual weekend away, give yourself the treat of time spent in a way you love, in a way that fills you. What does that mean to you?

Have I mentioned that I think gifts for you are important? At this time of year, and year round, it’s important to treat yourself like a loved one, because you are loved and you deserve it!

Happy Holidays!

And if you’re looking to buy yourself a treat resale,try: