Fashion in the Wild: Pink

It’s the middle of a pandemic and I’m thinking of going pink again. Because why not? So. I looked back at how it was to be pink. What do you think? Should I go for it?

Loves, lately I’ve been craving a change. A shake up. A way to be different.

And as any woman will tell you, the easiest way to change yourself is to change your hair. (And men know that once she changes her hair, she’s not coming back. It’s science)

So, as I’ve say in my need to switch things up, I’ve been thinking about how to change my hair. As you may know, my journey to accept my wavy hair has been a long one. You can read all about it here.

And once you do, you’ll get that my sudden desire to go pink is not in character for me. Have I mentioned I needed a change?

Well, I decided that pink is it. And yet, I didn’t want to go pink permanently. I need a shake up, I haven’t lost who I am. And as one does when they want to go pink, they google how-to. Did you know that there are a ton of ways to go pink? Temporarily? I have a thing for rose gold so I went here:

Investment Piece: Fashion in the Wild Pink
Want to go rose gold with me? Get yours here.

And because I’m me, and this is fashion in the wild I made a little video about being pink. Temporarily.

Notes: I did a test patch before I did my full hair with this pink tint. I loved that it rinsed out quickly and didn’t seem to affect my color (which I do love) at all. When I went to do my full hair pink I followed directions closely. I towel dried my hair. I put the pink all over. I left it on for probably about 4 mins. Then I rinsed it out. Honestly, it came out very subtly pink. I was hoping for more, and while people did notice, I decided to go for more hue.
So I re-applied.
The second time I had my hair almost completely dry when I put the tint on, and I left the tint in for a tad bit longer. It’s still not SUPER pink, but it’s more pink than the first time. I had people ask me if I dyed my hair–and everyone loved it. My favorite part? Any time I need a shakeup, this pink is an option, but it’s not something that I have to commit to!

I would love to know: would you go pink?

And don’t worry : the next time you see me I won’t be pink, I’ll be back to blonde.
But for now–I’m enjoying being pink!
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