Sunday Chronicles: Too Soon To Reset?

The Fitness Challenge I'm doing is called "Playing The Long Game:  Basically, you show up as best you can forever-accepting that shit is rarely perfect or linear- and you adjust for different life chapters as you go. There are no Before & Afters, just lots and lots of Durings.

This first January holiday is always a bit of a doozy for me, mentally. (I am aware this holiday- MLK Day- is an American holiday, so you might not be celebrating. And as an American- especially if you have guessed or share my politics- this week is a doozy already. Wishing us all strength and peace and the ability to bear witness in the coming). But. Yes. Tomorrow is a holiday. And it’s the middle of January- the month that is supposed to start our new habits and new years and new us.

I can’t help but wonder- is it too soon to reset?

Personally? It’s not that I am SO far off my goals- but I truly feel as if I haven’t started yet. Really? I am still in that weird twilight between Christmas and New Years (if you need one, a general update on my life can be found here and here. And yes, cats and I lived in a hotel for 10 days while there was a partial demo, for the holidays my kitchen was down to studs. Work has started- and even that is a lot!). I keep waiting and feeling as if the other shoe will drop, or things will settle so I can get on a routine, work on my goals-or even write in my calendar. Yet, so far this year has felt like floating.

So if this is a reset and it means I can get to it all- I am in.

One of my beloved friends, and an amazing trainer, posted the above quote this week. And I have to say I was oh-so-drawn to it as I also realize that sometimes while we are waiting for a reset. A sign to restart, sometimes what we don’t want to (or have a hard time) admitting is that we are in a life chapter that looks different than what we would like. It’s January. And while I am behind, I do have goals that I would like to work towards (see here). Though it is only January, I do feel a need to reset. Yet- this chapter of my life is full of home repairs (and working around workers here, literally herding cats, and healing) and is not what I would love long term. Perhaps the reset is thinking long term and knowing this will pass. And all those things I want- like getting back to the gym and myself- will come. Looking different right now may be temporary, but maybe that mental reset will last.

Do you already need a reset? How are you having in there? While I usually don’t link on Sundays, below I have linked a book I have been recommended about the chapters of life that can freeze us- I will be ordering if you want to read with me!

AND! Tomorrow is a holiday. It is also supposed to snow Monday- Wednesday where I live. I do not live in a place where we get snow. I also live in a place where the last big snow event lead to a grid failure. I am only slightly nervous?? Due to the uncertainty- and the holiday- and truly that I am living in a construction zone without a timetable this week due to all that- we will be off Monday- and most likely Wed. I plan to be completely fabulous and reset (and dressed!) on Friday- and we will be live!

Thank you for resetting with me. Being patient with me. And staying through winter so we can get to spring.

Wishing us all a week of warm winter nights and amazing shoes! And a fantastic reset! XO RA

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