Skin Print: What I’m Missing

Investemnt Piece: Skin Print

Usually posts will tell you about something that I’m using, or have, that I just can’t get enough of; and how I think you would love it too. This isn’t exactly that kind of post. I don’t know about you, but the holiday season kicked my booty a little. There were parties and events and travel. There was a list of things to do a mile long. I got behind, I let things slide, I gave up on some things. And in the midst of cheer and being stressed out, I forgot to reorder my skin care.

Yes, things that I love that I use daily, I forgot.

And when I forgot, I let it go. There was just so much to do, and I was overwhelmed so I put down “order Skin Print” on my list. I didn’t get around to ordering Skin Print.

There is no one more upset than me.

This isn’t a post where I tell you I’ve been using it and I love it. This is a post where I tell you I can promise it works, because I can tell the difference when I don’t use it.

Investment Piece: Skin Print, Eye Deal

You heard me gush about Eye Deal here. The thing is, I was right. I have been out for maybe a month. I can tell a difference in my circles, my puffiness, my lines. Yes, there are great products out there, but a month without my fave made me realize just how well it works. Can you only imagine how young I would look if I had had it?

I get ill just thinking about it.

But, it made me get on the ball. And I’m saving you–get on the ball with me. I won’t gush or bribe you. I’m going to just say, I can tell I’m not using it, and I don’t like looking my age.

You can order EyeDeal here.

Investment Piece: Skin Print
Another thing I hate about getting older? For some reason, I’m breaking out. (I was one of the lucky ones who didn’t have an acne problem in high school. I wish for you skin problems when all of your peers are also suffering.) What helps? This exfoliant. How do I know? While I’ve been out, my skin has been worse. And I was only using it once a week! When I get my package, that number will go up.

You can get your hands on this miracle here.

There are so many more products that I’m missing. The moisturizer. The sunscreen. The anti-wrinkle treatment. Moral of the story? Don’t be like me. Order your products. Make sure that you have them in stock. Use them. Let’s be on the ball together. Deal?