The thing about loving party dresses and dressing up is that sometimes your essentials get left behind. Beloveds, this is not the time when I will turn you away from any party dress or shoe or any special piece- at all. But, the older I get the more I am realizing that our essentials really matter too. They are often the building blocks of our wardrobes– and they too are worth investing in!
One of the essentials that I’m focusing on currently? The white tee. I know, I know- white can get dirty and grungy (my trick for that is to use this soak every so often to keep my whites really white. I LOVe this stuff and it works SO well!) and it can be tempting to get a passable white tee and just keep replacing them.
BUT. What if we found white tees that were great quality and fit well and we invested in them so they last?
So many outfits and styles can be served by a white tee. This season alone I want to wear them with bubble skirts and shorts and linen everything. Some of those outfits I need a bit fitted shirt, some a bit boxy, some a long sleeve. I’ve been looking at reviews and I think I’ve rounded up a few white shirts that I think would be great — and would last. I’m by no means rushing to buy them all now, but when you start to see them, please don’t be surprised!
What are your thoughts on white tees? Do you invest in them or just wear any old one? What are your favorite white tees?
I’m linking a collection of white tees that I’m loving below and would love to hear all your tips and faves! XO RA
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