Under Construction

Also! Happy Valentine’s Day! From Date Night to Self Love to Galentine’s: I hope that you are surrounded by all the love in all the ways you need it!

a woman in a lame and black silk scarf, black silk scarf, gold lip ring on stairs
a woman in a lame and black silk scarf, black silk scarf, gold lip ring on stairs
a woman in a lame and black silk scarf, black silk scarf, gold lip ring on stairs
a woman in a lame and black silk scarf, black silk scarf, gold lip ring on stairs

I want to pretend like it’s all wine and roses here- but truly we are under construction. As in literally my house is under construction.
No kitchen.
The walls may be done today- yes- while you read this! We are so far from where we have been and with this unexpected renovation, and upgrade. Both great and awful- it’s a lot. Like A LOT.
Every time I think I have things under control and a plan there is a wrench.
Maybe a metaphor for life?
Or maybe the question- that I am currently grappling with-is : how do we live while we are under construction?

And yet- I can’t help but yet again to turn to Fashion. This time it’s a vintage gold and silk scarf-

Did I mention that there are oh so many ways to wear this?

And a black silk skirt?

And a gold lip ring?

a woman in a lame and black silk scarf, black silk scarf, gold lip ring on stairs
a woman in a lame and black silk scarf, black silk scarf, gold lip ring on stairs
a woman in a lame and black silk scarf, black silk scarf, gold lip ring on stairs
a woman in a lame and black silk scarf, black silk scarf, gold lip ring on stairs

I was originally was gonna edit the pictures- yes, sometimes I edit out background and etc. I do not edit me- even when I hate how I look. I do choose a pic that may be my best angles. But it’s all me.
And Frankly? Me? Perhaps I am under construction too. From habits to a life to who I really want to be? Perhaps that is (it is) under construction. And when a construction is in your face? maybe you go with it!

But also. We are under construction. I keep writing and telling about it. But. yeah. I can’t deny that my environment – aka a construction zone- is influencing me
(this is me letting you know from outfits to my habits I am looking at all of me. What’s under construction and what is aok? It is awkward and hard but also a bit rewarding. And this outfit? I think we can only go up!)
a woman in a lame and black silk scarf, black silk scarf, gold lip ring on stairs

So this skirt is seasons old. The scarf? Tied as a top? Vintage. And yet? I found you options! It’s almost like we are constantly under construction. Options that feel as if they are new? Are vintage? What if we thought about our construction as an on going project instead of a destination? (Again, just me wanting things to be true)

And yet. With dust. And painting. And construction. Here I am. Maybe that is the true fashion.
(note: options for you are linked below)!

Here’s to us all being fab and construction finishing! XO RA

Note: this post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

Getting there in Sequins

a woman in a sequined leopard dress in front of a grey washer dryer in an unfinished room

We are getting there- this week my house may get walls, painting may start- and we should be on our way to not having so much chaos. There are days when it is completely overwhelming and I feel as if I will never get my life together. Literally, a sentence I said aloud today was “One day I will have clean hair again”. (Note: a bun hides a lot!)

Then there are days when I am able to enjoy this time- even relish the excitement and the new.

On the days like the first, it can be hard to think straight- much less get dressed. And yes- there are days I am simply in sweats. However, to the surprise of no one, I find when I make myself get dressed days like the second come easier.

This look? Perhaps a bit over the top- but I love it. Leopard is a neutral, but having it in sequins makes so much of a statement. And! I have to let you know- I am not great at laundry, but that may change as this new washer/dryer is my new favorite thing. EVER. It works so well- and everything from my bedding to gym clothes come out so clean! (Did I also mention that as we were without a washer/dryer I haven’t done laundry since mid-December? Only 4 more loads to go!)

My goal this week? Have great days, laugh- and wear things that make me happy. Like sequins. This dress is vintage Lillie Rubin but I have found you modern options! And I am linking the washer/dryer as I can’t tell you how they have changed my life, and how amazing they work!

To enjoying it all! XO RA

This post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

Shop appliances and sequins here

Hart to Hart

Investment Piece: Hart to Hart
Investment Piece: Hart to Hart
Investment Piece: Hart to Hart

During the lockdowns here my schedules have changed. Some for the good, some for the bad. For a while, I couldn’t help but stay up late watching old sitcoms. From “Murder She Wrote” to “Golden Girls”, I’ve loved them! But one of my favorites (and it was new to me!) has been “Hart to Hart”!

Investment Piece: Hart to Hart

“Hart to Hart” follows a millionaire couple, Jonathan and Jennifer Hart, who globe trot, find themselves in trouble, and solve crimes. It’s both fun and sexy, and just a little funny (I’m just saying if there was a crime or something everywhere I went, I might think it was me!).

I’m loving the show (though I’ve moved to recording it so I don’t stay up too late!), and it’s beginning to influence my fashion. We all make fun of 1980s fashion, and some of it deserves that. However, some is chic and I can’t help but loving the way Jennifer Hart is making me dress!

Investment Piece: hart to hart
Investment Piece: Hart to Hart
Investment Piece: Hart to Hart

What’s “Hart to Hart” style? (At least to me). Clutches. Nude pumps. Put together looks from suits to dresses to even her pjs. It’s the best and most elegant of the 80s. Yes, there are some shoulder pads and Ruffles, but done well I like those things.

This dress? It’s a Dianne Freis (also some of the best of 80s, we’ve chatted about her here) It’s simple and a statement all in one (that color, the Ruffles, the movement! It does have shoulder pads but they go with the fit!). With nude pumps and a vintage clutch? I feel like I’m dashing off to solve a mystery with my husband!

Or just eating outside (every year has its adventures!). I feel glam and yet its easy. Maybe that’s the best part of “Hart to Hart” fashion!

(A sizing note. This is not my only Dianne Freis, with her signature stretchy waist you can wear a ton of sizes. I have an XS, a M, and a S. They’re forgiving and chic-the best of both worlds!)

I’ve linked you similar items below so we can be 80s fatales together!

Note: this post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

Investment Piece: Hart to Hart

Almost Missed This..

Here it is- Again February. Again in the 80s. And again, I’ve been putting off wearing these pants (and more!) as it needs to be perfect! What is with that? Why is a great outfit something I put off? NO idea of there are answers here – but is a prod to not put off great outfits in the pursuit of perfect outfits!

a woman in a grey sweater tank with black wool split waist pants and black heels
a woman in a grey sweater tank with black wool split waist pants and black heels
a woman in a grey sweater tank with black wool split waist pants and black heels
a woman in a grey sweater tank with black wool split waist pants and black heels
a woman in a grey sweater tank with black wool split waist pants and black heels

I fell in love with these wool blend split waist (yep- that hint of grey isn’t a mistake! The waist on these pants has a high and a low portion– and I just love it!) and have had them for a while. Every time I reached for them, I stopped myself– not because I didn’t want to wear them but because I worried that I didn’t have the “perfect” top to go with them. I wanted to highlight this special and cool waist band! Shirts I looked at: sheer, corset, rouched, seamed, cropped–I felt like it had to be the perfect, most perfect thing to wear.

**Sidenote: perhaps my deep need to have things be perfect explains why I’m so drawn to party dresses! Just something I’m thinking about!

Back to these pants!

Searching for “perfect” kept me from wearing and styling these pants. That I love! Then, this week (while, yes, it’s still February) the weather turned. Hot. It was in the 80s yesterday! And as stylish as these pants are– they are wool and something tells me sweating in them in the extreme heat will not be stylish. My time was now or never- so I grabbed a tank (sweater tank to be exact) and styled them. And you know what? It’s perfect. I love the ribbing matching the stripe on the sides. I love that it’s a bit winter and a bit spring.

And to think: I almost missed this. (I also thought about the double entendre that it was possible to “almost miss” the waistband!)

What are we missing out on by holding onto a way “things should be”? Or what are we missing by waiting for perfect? I don’t know– but I know we probably don’t want to miss them. Advice on how to stop letting perfectionism get in our way is not something I should be giving–I am still working on it myself. But. I know that I almost missed this great outfit (and almost missed sharing it with you!) because I was trying to make it perfect- instead of trusting that it would be. That’s not how I want to live my life. And I also want to wear these pants!

So- what if we just go for all those things? I’m in if you are!

(In the spirit of just that I’ve linked shopping options for you below!) XO RA

note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

a woman in a grey sweater tank with black wool split waist pants and black heels

Chicly Knitted

A woman in black, camel and white color block turtleneck sweater and pants with mesh leather sneakers
A woman in black, camel and white color block turtleneck sweater and pants with mesh leather sneakers
A woman in black, camel and white color block turtleneck sweater and pants with mesh leather sneakers
A woman in black, camel and white color block turtleneck sweater and pants with mesh leather sneakers

Currently invested in? Knit Sets. (Even Sweat sets!) that are absolutely comfy but feel chic and look put together. Essentially, at this point of the weather, dealing with living in a construction zone, and the world events- I am looking for a cheat sheet, the CliffNotes (I know- that’s what I called them in high school!), the easy way to get through a day.

Especially if Mondays are difficult. Or full of decisions beyond your outfit that are a bit more than you can do.

It’s not that I am against sweats (I do believe you can wear them chicly!), but sometimes, perhaps even on a Monday, we need an elevated version. Enter the chicly knitted set (and this is not the only example! You can even make your own in monotone knits, complimentary color knits, or just knits!) The knit set may hang a bit neater, may have more versatility, or simply may make you feel as if you’re dressed.

All are valid and often needed on a Monday. (Or truly any day that’s hard. Or when you don’t feel like getting dressed. Or a day you just can’t but have to!)

This exact knit set is (linked below) and from Ruti, my new go to for elevated casual wear! In this season of life- the house construction, the cold weather, my off schedule, I find myself looking more and more for sets that I don’t have to think about that make me feel and look put together. This chicly knitted set? Perfect on all accounts.

What do you reach for when you need a casual get chic look? How do you make yourself feel put together?
I would love to hear any and all tips!


Please note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

Shop my chicly knitted set here

Minty and Fluffy..

a woman in a mohair skirt and shirt in mint green with suede cowgirl boots
a woman in a mint mohair shirt and skirt with suede cowgirl boots
a woman in a mint mohair shirt and skirt with suede cowgirl boots
a woman in a mint mohair shirt and skirt with suede cowgirl boots

In challenging myself to not only dress chicly in the cold (and yes! It’s still cold here!), I am not only thinking of “really” getting dressed (aka not layering sweats), but I am thinking of color. And texture. Not only in winter, but when we think of chic, we think black. I have nothing against black! It is a go-to and so easy to do monotone and is chic! Add to that, black is easy in the winter, as it hides everything from snow stains to bulk. Yet. What if there were more colors in winter? And what if instead of hiding away our winter texture, we embraced it?

Admittedly, I don’t know that I went out with those fully formed thoughts, or looking for that– but when I found these mint mohair separates– I not only knew that I had to have them, I knew that this twist on winter dressing was something I wanted to play with! And wear. And be chic and cozy in!

a woman in a mint mohair shirt and skirt with suede cowgirl boots

I also admit- while mohair is absolutely a winter staple. Fluffy and warm and chic. The mint? A bit of a shock for me. I associate mint, and pastels and perhaps lighter colors in general, with spring. So, to have a usually springy color in a fabric (texture) that is decidedly winter? Chic. Cozy but with a twist. Minty and Fluffy not only feels as if it’s a breath of fresh air (and will be a great transitional outfit!) but lends itself to so many winter/chic stylings…

Here, I love it with boots (in suede, patterned) but these pieces would be great with tights and heels, riding boots, non patterned boots, mules and oh so much more. AND! It’s a set- and we all know what I am going to say next- the great thing about a set is that you can wear together or separately!

a woman in a mint mohair shirt and skirt with suede cowgirl boots
a woman in a mint mohair shirt and skirt with suede cowgirl boots
a woman in a mint mohair shirt and skirt with suede cowgirl boots

Does this make it seem as if I analyzed and overthought this outfit (even before buying)? Well. I hate to tell you — I fell in love and bought on pure desire. The color felt happy. Who doesn’t love fluffy? In getting it for myself that was the only thought- and honestly, I bought before Christmas so it was even before thinking of winter chic even crossed my mind. A great coincidence? Yes- sometimes things fall into place. This outfit just feels good- from the color to the cozy. Minty and Fluffy- everything I didn’t know I needed.

What are your go-to winter colors? Thoughts on mohair? Your most unexpected winter outfits? I would love to hear about them all!

These boots are vintage Dolce from years ago, as is the necklace. BUT I have this exact minty and fluffy set linked for you below! XO RA

Note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!
Shop here

a woman in a mint mohair set

Baby, it’s GLAM outside…

a woman in a grey sweater turtleneck, short sleeve faux fur coat with cuffed jeans, grey socks and black heeled mules
a woman in a grey sweater turtleneck, short sleeve faux fur coat with cuffed jeans, grey socks and black heeled mules
a woman in a grey sweater turtleneck, short sleeve faux fur coat with cuffed jeans, grey socks and black heeled mules
a woman in a grey sweater turtleneck, short sleeve faux fur coat with cuffed jeans, grey socks and black heeled mules

I am one of those people who always longs and wishes for cold weather. (I also idolize snow- though the one time I ever have seen a ton of it we lost power for days- I am convinced snow can be beautiful and you can stay warm. And I still wish for it each year!) Sweaters and coats and scarves and all the like- I love them, and dream about how to layer them. Chic winter looks? Forever on my Inspo boards. In my heart, I want to believe that winter chic, cold weather GLAM, whatever you want to call it, is something that I can pull off.

Then. The temps drop. (Fun fact, by the time you read this it will be 29 degrees here!). And when it gets really cold- all my dreams of winter chic, cold weather glam get thrown out of the window. I find myself in sweats- sometimes layers of sweats!- and all I care about is being warm. This is never something I am proud of — but it happens like clockwork every year.

This year? I know the cold is coming. (Cut to me mentally prepared to be freezing). Yet- this year I am determined to live out my cold weather GLAM fantasies. Yes, it will be cold- but BABY it is going to be GLAM outside.

I am starting with layering cashmere and faux fur. Pairing socks (cashmere again) with heels. Staying warm while staying chic? It is in my forecast.

a woman in a grey sweater turtleneck, short sleeve faux fur coat with cuffed jeans, grey socks and black heeled mules
a woman in a grey sweater turtleneck, short sleeve faux fur coat with cuffed jeans, grey socks and black heeled mules
a woman in a grey sweater turtleneck, short sleeve faux fur coat with cuffed jeans, grey socks and black heeled mules

Let’s take a minute for details- because one of my thoughts is that if I HAVE to get in sweats, I can keep up the glam with accessories. Such as heels (I do love them with socks! I am also not above wearing tights or long socks under anything!), jewelry (anything that sparkles), and of course chic jackets (yes, the faux fur counts as both my GLAM and as a back up. It would look chic over sweats too!

a woman in a grey sweater turtleneck, short sleeve faux fur coat with cuffed jeans, grey socks and black heeled mules
a woman in a grey sweater turtleneck, short sleeve faux fur coat with cuffed jeans, grey socks and black heeled mules
a woman in a grey sweater turtleneck, short sleeve faux fur coat with cuffed jeans, grey socks and black heeled mules

There are many ways to layer for Baby it’s GLAM outside cold- from tights under your pants to double sweaters to jackets on jackets or a wrap over it all. I am trying to imagine a world where I can stay warm- but look chic. If I believe in snow that much, I figure this has to be possible! For a starter outfit- this one was so fun! And easy- the jeans are so comfy (linking the exact ones- no stretch so size up but the cuff is so chic!), and the layers didn’t feel overwhelming– and I did stay warm!

Here’s hoping my Baby, it’s GLAM outside crusade lasts through the low temps.

What do you wear when it’s cold outside? How do you deal with wanting to look your best and staying warm?

I would love to hear all about it! XO RA

Please note: this post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

Link to bling: here

a woman in a grey sweater turtleneck, short sleeve faux fur coat with cuffed jeans, grey socks and black heeled mules


I feel as if you’re in 1 of 2 main groups when it comes to resolutions (or goals, or making it your year, etc)-

You’re making vision boards, plans, writing lists, etc. This even applies if you’re one who thinks the “real” new years is Aries season!

You’re planning on being the same great person you are, and aren’t letting the “pressure” to be “all new” get to you. Or maybe you think that the years should start being better (and not you)- this is also a valid point!

Honestly, I’m historically a bit of both- having big goals and plans, but not going over board with being all in. Mainly, as I have usually been starting years in shapes (not just my body) that I was mostly happy with- so it was simply building on that. However, last year was a year. We are still dealing with the house repairs- which lead to some illness, a bit of depression, and me not feeling like me. So, my overall goal for the year? Get back to me- or perhaps recreate me. From putting passion back into what I love and makes me happy like (like this! Grow our community again) to getting more consistent in my workouts (I know. Cliche!), there are lists of personal (and professional) goals I am determined to work towards, change, etc. So, from vision boards to being accountable here, these below are just a few that I am becoming this year:

Getting Dressed
a woman in a black turtleneck and skirt with black loafers and dangle earrings

I know, that sounds so basic! But with how I felt for a chunk of last year- from physically to mentally to it all- there were days it was hard to get out of bed. Getting dressed at times was an impossibility. Yet, getting dressed, playing in my closet, coming up with outfits that bring me joy and tell a story? I really think it’s part of why I’m here (and not just on the blog). So. I’m getting back to. I know that there are days when it will be hard (I write this in my gym clothes that I haven’t changed out of). But we are getting dressed this year!

Consistent in the Gym/Diet
a woman in a pilates studio in black tank and leggings with a scarf and rain boots

I know this is oh-so-cliche. BUT. I used to love working out- it helped my mental state, I loved the way I looked, and it was social for me. Due to (waves hands in the direction of it all), I haven’t been consistent- and yes, I will admit I want to lose the few pounds I’ve gained, and tone up again– but I also want to feel better. And I know how I eat and move my body affects that.

a woman in striped shirt and her hair in rollers leans in towards a bathroom mirror
Beauty as both self care and another way to play, skincare to tools, make up and more- I’m in it all.

Dry January
I also want to crush Dry January- as a little kick off (below I’m linking my fave wine alternatives!)

There are other goals of course- I want a creative hobby (I’m going to try embroidery!), to find some balance, get back to blogging and “influencing” (I kinda of hate that word but that’s another story!), to sleep schedules and more- maybe it’s not “new year, new me”, but it’s a better and more happy me.

What are your thoughts on resolutions and what are yours? I would love to know!

I have rounded up a few things I’m buying or thinking of buying to help kick start these resolutions!
Please note: these are affiliate links and while that doesn’t change the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

Knit Dreams

a woman in a strapless pink knit dress with a blue eyed brooch and black heels in front of a Lilly with a blue back ground mural
a woman in a strapless pink knit dress with a blue eyed brooch and black heels in front of a Lilly with a blue back ground mural
a woman in a strapless pink knit dress with a blue eyed brooch and black heels in front of a Lilly with a blue back ground mural
a woman in a strapless pink knit dress with a blue eyed brooch and black heels in front of a Lilly with a blue back ground mural

When we think of sweaters and knits, I know that they can come across as bulky and a bit boring. And this is from someone who always thinks that she will LOVE sweater weather. And cold weather. And all the kinds of weather where we can layer and bulk and all the winter things. Then I remember that I have spent most of my life in places where winter is under 60 and snow (if there is ever any -though I always wish for it- melts in a day). When it turns cold, or even a bit chilly, perhaps it’s not that our fashion gets limited, perhaps it’s just that I am late to the game at dressing for cold weather. Or knits.

But. I am learning!

Take the above knit dress. Not boring. A statement (that pink color! The shape! The pockets!). Knit boring? Not on my watch. Just a bit of knit. A lot of dreaming about chic dressing. And some realizing the two aren’t so separate.

a woman in a strapless pink knit dress with a blue eyed brooch and black heels in front of a Lilly with a blue back ground mural
a woman in a strapless pink knit dress with a blue eyed brooch and black heels in front of a Lilly with a blue back ground mural
a woman in a strapless pink knit dress with a blue eyed brooch and black heels in front of a Lilly with a blue back ground mural

I was drawn to this knit dress for a few reasons ( and yes, the color and shape and the pockets!), but there are so many ways to style this. You could layer- a turtleneck or shirt underneath. Or a shirt or turtleneck or blazer over. I love it with heels. But it would be oh so chic with boots. Or tights. Flats. Oh so many, many options.

Perhaps that is what knit (weather, dreams) is about- there are options with sweaters and knits and layers and tights and the like. Yes, hot weather is full of chic looks. And winter clothes can be bulking- and maybe even some of them are boring and basic. Yet. You can layer and opt for knit dreams that leave you both cozy but oh so chic.

This is usually where I let you know that the shopping options are affiliate links- and while I do always appreciate the support (and you can always shop with me via links in bio), but these options? Not affiliate. Just a knit dress I couldn’t live without (again. Have you seen the color and the shape and the pockets?) and a brooch that just I knew that I had to have!

This dress is currently sold out (but may come back!), but the brand is Hanifa. This is my third piece from the brand and I can’t tell you how I love them.

This brooch is from GardenWinks on etsy and while this broth may be sold out, there are so many options that are similar and again- oh so chic.

a woman in a strapless pink knit dress with a blue eyed brooch and black heels in front of a Lilly with a blue back ground mural

What are your knit dreams like? Cozy? Chic? Both? I would love to know- and if you have any real winter dressing tips I am forever all ears!



a woman in blazer with a floral appliqué , black shorts, black hose, and red boots
a woman in blazer with a floral appliqué , black shorts, black hose, and red boots
a woman in blazer with a floral appliqué , black shorts, black hose, and red boots
a woman in blazer with a floral appliqué , black shorts, black hose, and red boots

There is a generally believed fashion “statement” that your outfit really only needs one statement piece. You can have the one- plan your outfit around it. The thought being that perhaps more than one statement would be messy. Or loud. Too much. (Note: these things are not always bad). And while I don’t disagree that this is a good rule of thumb, I also believe that rules are made to be broken.

As a surprise to no one, I love juxtaposition and a bit of rule breaking.

The thing is- I do believe that two statements can compliment each other. See above?!? This blazer with the (attached) floral appliqué is a statement unto itself. It could command and stun outfits from jeans to skirts to shorts (like here). Likewise, red boots? Was there ever such a statement? These boots were made to pop with anything you pair them with (though we know I also love to use “pops” as casual pieces). Either of these pieces could be their own statement, could be the center of an outfit.

And yet? I love them together. They balance, play off of, and make winter shorts (pair with tights or hose!) a fun thing!

a woman in blazer with a floral appliqué , black shorts, black hose, and red boots
a woman in blazer with a floral appliqué , black shorts, black hose, and red boots
a woman in blazer with a floral appliqué , black shorts, black hose, and red boots

So. How do you pair two statements together to make a coherent and not “too much” outfit? There is some trial and error (never be afraid to play- worse case you can change!), but here are my general guidelines for mixing statements:

-Keep most of the outfit monochrome. For example, while this blazer is a statement it is the same color as most of the outfit from shorts to tights to sunglasses. While the blazer will always be a statement, keeping it the same color allows for a bit of a blend!

-Keep the outfit “classic” and let details be the statement. Blazer and boots? Simple and classic. The statements here are the color of the boots (that are allowed to pop as the rest of the outfit is the same color) and the floral appliqué.

-Keep in mind that proportions, accessories and more can be the statement. A great brooch and a belt? Statements. Shoes and a statement scarf? Statement. The great thing about combining statements is that you can start by combining pieces you feel comfortable with- and then venture out into pieces that may be a step for you!

Any outfit that you may feel cautious about (from shorts to statements to everything in between) I suggest playing with- get dressed, sit at home, take some pictures, run to the grocery store in. That way you can adjust. HUGE swings (In my opinion) shouldn’t be taken on days where you can’t change if needed!

a woman in blazer with a floral appliqué , black shorts, black hose, and red boots

And speaking of statements: I have found these exact ones for you
(please note this post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!)

This exact blazer can be found here
And these boots can be found here.

I would love to know- what are your favorite statement clothing pieces and how do you/have you ever combined them? XO RA

a woman in black shorts, black hose, red boots, and a black blazer with a floral appliqué