Sometimes we have to be our own heroes. It’s not always fun, but there’s a chance you can wear a cape- so it can be worth it!
The past few weeks have been a bit wild. And I’ve had to adult- a lot. I know, it’s so cliche and sometimes gross when we complain about being adults- but it’s sometimes hard. Dealing with big, complicated emotions, keeping a house and businesses running, dealing with the mundane (laundry, etc) can at times be very overwhelming. I have no advice on that- there are days when keeping my head above water feels like a full time job. I can meltdown with the best of them, but then there are times when I amaze myself at how I can pull things off- and keep it together.
I bet there are times when you’re amazing too!
And when we’re amazing, when we’re our own heroes and save the day- I think we deserve capes. Personally, I have a thing for capes (here, here, here, here, and here to start). So when I saw this little caplet (collar) I couldn’t resist it. For dressing up tank tops and sundresses, or pairing with jeans, this number is one that I can’t wait to wear all summer.
Beyond the fashion, it reminds me that I can be my own hero. And that’s something that can never go out of style!
I hope that you have things that remind you of how amazing you are, and if you’re into capes, I’ve linked this exact one (and matching top!) for you below!
Note: this post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!
These shoes are from my love Sarah Flint, you can get $50 off any Sarah Flint shoe you love by shopping this link!