Also! Happy Valentine’s Day! From Date Night to Self Love to Galentine’s: I hope that you are surrounded by all the love in all the ways you need it!
I want to pretend like it’s all wine and roses here- but truly we are under construction. As in literally my house is under construction.
No kitchen.
The walls may be done today- yes- while you read this! We are so far from where we have been and with this unexpected renovation, and upgrade. Both great and awful- it’s a lot. Like A LOT.
Every time I think I have things under control and a plan there is a wrench.
Maybe a metaphor for life?
Or maybe the question- that I am currently grappling with-is : how do we live while we are under construction?
And yet- I can’t help but yet again to turn to Fashion. This time it’s a vintage gold and silk scarf-
Did I mention that there are oh so many ways to wear this?
And a black silk skirt?
And a gold lip ring?
I was originally was gonna edit the pictures- yes, sometimes I edit out background and etc. I do not edit me- even when I hate how I look. I do choose a pic that may be my best angles. But it’s all me.
And Frankly? Me? Perhaps I am under construction too. From habits to a life to who I really want to be? Perhaps that is (it is) under construction. And when a construction is in your face? maybe you go with it!
But also. We are under construction. I keep writing and telling about it. But. yeah. I can’t deny that my environment – aka a construction zone- is influencing me
(this is me letting you know from outfits to my habits I am looking at all of me. What’s under construction and what is aok? It is awkward and hard but also a bit rewarding. And this outfit? I think we can only go up!)
So this skirt is seasons old. The scarf? Tied as a top? Vintage. And yet? I found you options! It’s almost like we are constantly under construction. Options that feel as if they are new? Are vintage? What if we thought about our construction as an on going project instead of a destination? (Again, just me wanting things to be true)
And yet. With dust. And painting. And construction. Here I am. Maybe that is the true fashion.
(note: options for you are linked below)!
Here’s to us all being fab and construction finishing! XO RA
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