Everybody’s Doing It

Investment Piece: Everybody's Doing It
Investment Piece: Everybody's Doing It
Investment Piece: Everybody's Doing it

It seems as if every season there’s something that everyone gets. A dress. A bag. A belt. We all get them and we all wear them.

I usually avoid those things.

Not that I sometimes don’t love them, want them, or buy a different version of them (looking at you, Gucci Belt). BUT, one of the things that I love about fashion is that we can all use it to look different. And yes, we can all wear the same thing differently, but you know.

This year? I put my fears of wearing the SAME THING as everyone else aside, and let myself fall in love with this WhoWhatWear set from Target. Have you seen it everywhere on everyone? Yes. Do I have a hundred different ways I want to wear each piece and the set? Yes. Do I care that other people might wear it too? No.

Everybody’s doing it. Maybe they’re right.

Investment Piece: Everybody's Doing It
Investment Piece: Everybody's Doing It
Investment Piece: Everybody's Doing It

Here’s what I’m learning about doing the things that everybody’s doing: it’s fun. I wanted to resist this set, but knew that it was perfect for fall. And it’s comfy. And there are pockets. Again, maybe everybody knows what they’re talking about! Here I paired the set together with some of my fave kicks, but I can’t wait to wear it with boots, heels, sweaters, and seperated. The pattern is great, but is till classic enough to mix and last.

Also, not to sound basic, but I can’t say enough great things about Target and their collections lately. My current favorite dress? Target. Where I’m buying all the things? Target. My fall inspiration? Target. Just go and let them tell you what you need!

And speaking of what you need: I’ve linked this set below, yes, be my twin. However, I’m also including links to my picks from the Target 20 Years of Design for All Collection that drops tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow. It’s a chance to get your hands on things you may have missed out on from MissonixTarget to the iconic plaid dress we’ll all be wearing next. If I were you I’d bookmark your choices and then get up early tomorrow to shop!


Note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

This look:


And the Target Design items I love:

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.