Morning After

Investment Piece: Morning After
Investment Piece: Morning After
Investment Piece: Morning After

Shopping can be like a wild night out. You never quite know how things are going to go, what you’re going to find, or who you’re going home with. You might wake up the morning after with regret, or you migh wake up the morning after loving what you did. Yes, here we buy into the theory that the morning after can lead to a long and happy relationship– but we limit this theory to shopping. So my tips for having a great morning after? Stick to places you love that treat you right (this number is from RecessLA and we know that they are one of my favorites). Know your limit (not always fun, but your bank appreciates it). Choose wisely (dresses like this Prada number won’t steer you wrong).

If it’s another kind of morning after I recommend coconut water and low light. A great burger doesn’t hurt either!

Loves, let’s chat a minute about lingerie dressing. There are so many versions of it, there are so many ways to wear it, there is so much to love about it. This Prada dress is what I consider the best of high end lingerie dressing. It combines the classic “little black dress”, a little lace, and a hint of nude. Silky and Lacey, but perfect for a cocktail party, though I won’t judge you for wearing this around the house! The result? Not your average dress with just a hint of lingerie. Sophisticated, fun, and not a thing to regret in the morning.

When there are many, many things to not like about the morning, it’s always nice to have purchases like this to make the morning after easier (and give you something to look forward to in the evening!)

Investment Piece: Morning After

Investment Piece: Morning AFter

Last I checked, this dress was still available at Recess (love it? You can check their website or contact them via Instagram to inquire), or shop my picks below!
Investment Piece: Morning After
Hope this morning had no regrets!


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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.