Solo Samba

Investment Piece: From then to now
Investment Piece: Solo Samba
Investment PiecE: Solo Samba

Remember going places? Remember getting dressed to go places?

Even for a food truck, there were times that I could make an event out of an outfit. I won’t say I don’t miss those times, and hope that one day we get back to them (safely).

However, there is something to be said for solo outings. Sambas, if you will.
(I can’t help it, this outfit combo has always made me thinking of sambas and shaking and all the things. Yes, even in a food truck park)

Investment Piece: Solo Samba
Investment Piece: Solo Samba
Investment Piece: Solo Samba

Maybe we all wish things were different, but it turns out there are HUGE perks for doing things solo. Or at home.

– you can be more free. In what you wear! (Really, wear the gown that you couldn’t if we were at a dive bar, wear sweats. Or nothing but a bikini!) In what you eat and drink! (You’re not driving. And we all have a food combination that grosses other people out. This is the time to indulge!)
-You can samba. Whenever you like. In my house I’m known to have mini little dance breaks, shake it while I’m doing the dishes, and in general do things that I would NEVER do in public. Yes, there has been more than one solo samba at home during these times. But I can! So why not? It’s not like many people can see you (and I’m all about grabbing joy where and how we can!)
-You can try new things. No one is there to judge or pressure. And if you don’t like it? You try something else. From shows to drinks to food to outfits, this is the time to experiment.

Do I miss samba-ing in public? Well, I don’t know that I ever have. But. A great outfit full of summer staples (white pants, wrap tops, and earrings and sandals to match) is my way of samba-ing. And yes, there are times when I miss the public part of showing off my outfits.

But. There are things I’m learning to love (and will miss) about getting dressed and samba-ing solo during quarantine.

What about you?

I’ve linked similar items so you can re-create this samba ready look wherever you are!

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Investment Piece: Solo Samba

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.