
Investment Piece: Uniform
Investment Piece: Uniform
Investment Piece: Uniform

My grandma (we called her Mimi) used to have a uniform. Not the school kind, and nothing that matched anyone else- but outfits that she would put on day after day. (The uniform was for running errands and being in the house, when she had events or places to be she would dress accordingly!) As a kid, I always kind of thought that the uniform was silly. I so enjoyed wearing new outfits day after day. But as an adult? I appreciate outfits that I can throw on for anything- the grocery store, post office, other errands, after a shower, to sit on the couch, and as a basic that lets me not think but look good.

My current uniform? A linen dress. Simple. Easy. But chic. And ready for anything. Errands? With sandals or sneakers. Dinner? A party? Heels. On the couch? Barefoot. I don’t have to over think this dress. And so I reach for it time and time again. Please don’t ask me how many days I’ve worn it in a row– but the answer is many!

Investment Piece: Uniform

The older I get, the more I see my mom and my Mimi in me. I can’t tell you how shocking that sometimes is to me. It’s by no means bad- I love the women who came before me. However, I was very much a young woman who thought that I knew everything and was going to be nothing like my elders. So, when it turns out that they had the right ideas all along? It’s both surprising, comforting, and a way to keep them with me.

Uniform dressing is truly something that has saved me over and over. When I’ve been tired or upset or in a rush or any of the multitude of things that I can be- having something to put on that feels like good has been priceless. I’m grateful that my Mimi showed that to me. I’m glad I’ve found this dress that I’ve already worn too many times to count- and that still feels fresh and exciting each time I wear it.

What are you wearing this Monday? Is it a uniform? And are you excited by it?

I’ve linked this exact dress and shoes below if you want to be uniform buddies!

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Investment Piece: Uniform

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.