Sunday Chronicles: FedEx Small Business Grant

Investment Piece, Sunday Chronicles, FedEx , Small Business Grant, plug, fund me, fashion blogger, CA, TX

Loves, I am going to level with you. This is a shameless plug. I absolutely love what I do, this community we’re building, and sharing my love of fashion, etc with you. This is truly the best job I’ve ever had. However, running a small business isn’t always easy, there are costs and expenses. My goal is provide the highest quality site and fashion to you, and with this goal in mind I need your help. We (Investment Piece) is eligible for the FedEx Small Business Grant! Exciting, thrilling, and here’s where you come in! You vote for us! You can vote daily! Help me help you help me!

Your support, love, and vote are greatly appreciated! The link for the FedEx Small Business Grant vote can be found here

Thank you so much!

Wishing us all a week of grants and amazing shoes! XO RA

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.