It’s that time of year! We turn the page, we start anew, we set our goals. There’s much ado about our resolutions and how to stick to them, jokes made about them, and the reality is that some of us let our goals go. My thoughts on goals? I love them! I think that they can act as a great catalyst or game plan to get us to that great live we want. However, I also think that we have to be smart about them, goals are powerful, and I truly believe that we can create anything we want–but how? Here are my tips for goal setting:
Decide What You Want
I mean really decide. Here’s the deal: General goals beget general results. This is your time to be incredibly specific. Want to lose weight? How much? How do you want your body to look? Want a great relationship? What exactly does that mean to you? The more specific, the more juicy detail you can add only helps you.
Believe You Are Worthy
Women, in particular, tend to talk ourselves out of our goals. “I’d love to be a but I’m . I’ve had acting coaches and athletic coaches alike tell me that the number one difference they see in those who achieve their goals and those who don’t is the belief that they are worthy of their goals. And loves, you are worthy of your best life. You are worthy of your best. When your goals are built on top of that, you are unstoppable.
You Change Your Daily LifeĀ
Call it your habits, your system, your plan. Goals and results don’t fall from the sky (or if you have information on how they do–hook a sister up!). To get what we want we have to change what we do (yes, there’s more than one cliche about this). I’m the first to admit that I’m a big picture woman, I can see the big thing I’m after, and often the breaking the goal up into small steps is difficult for me. However, I’ve noticed the biggest changes in my life, the resolutions that stuck so to speak, were built on things that I changed about my routine. If your goal is to lose 10 lbs the reality is you’re going to have to change how you work out and what you eat. And every goal is like that!
It doesn’t have to be big
Here’s the good news about our daily changes: they don’t have to be big. Knowing that I can think big, I am aware that I can set myself up for failure by trying to do the impossible. The great news? The possible, small bits of possible, make up the impossible. Let’s stick with our weight loss example: 10 lbs isn’t coming off over night, and you won’t go from laying on the couch to running marathons. BUT you can move 20 mins more each day, you can make it to the gym one day, you can eat more veggies one day. Those little things add up, and can make big change.
The biggest trick of all? You just have to start. Loves, I don’t think that the beginning of the year is by any means the only time to set new goals. Any time you want to set a new goal, the world is your oyster. I think that visualizing and really believing in your goal are key (I love vision boards, I think our self talk can change our lives, I think we create the world we want by our thoughts and actions). I also believe that big impossible things can happen, but just in case we do little, possible things each day. And lastly:
Learn to be Grateful in the Hallway
When you’re waiting for a door to open, or a goal to be achieved, it can get frustrating in the meantime. It can get overwhelming and scary and seem like a great idea to give up. I don’t believe that you have to be a cheerleader all day every day. Yes, we become what we believe, but occasionally days suck. And it’s OK to admit that. Gratitude is something that we talk about, and can be trendy, I can say that it works. I have a spin teacher who I love who preaches that while you’re waiting on God to open your door, you have to learn to praise Him in the hallway. To say thank-you before you get what you want. Sound out there? Try it. I can personally testify that having an “attitude of gratitude” is life changing, and helps you get what you want faster–not to mention you enjoy the ride a little more. An acting coach I had once challenged us to keep a gratitude journal for a month-that each morning we were to write down 3 things we are grateful for; they could be small (coffee), big (family and friends) or that thing you want so much (your goal). We were challenged to see what our life was like at the beginning of a month, and then again at the end of the month of this task. I challenge you to try it!
So, how do you work on achieving your goals? Are you a resolution type? What do you think of my “methods”?
And if mine weren’t enough, I love these articles about goal-getting!
From Forbes
James Clear
And Inc
Wishing us all results and amazing shoes! XO RA