Sunday Chronicles: Sitting Still

Investment Piece: Stilling Still
‘I am sitting still.’

Loves, I know that I talk about rest and sitting still a lot here in our weekly “fireside chats”. (See here) This is mainly because even though I’m an introvert (I am, I promise!) who loves her time alone, and a creative who needs to recharge after her bouts of creating, I have a hard time sitting still. Everything about it-from letting myself just do nothing, to active mediation, to admitting that I need some down time– has been a struggle for me to give into. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve gotten better about this as I’ve gotten older, I actively acknowledge that I’m a better person when I get some time each week to sit still, and now schedule it for myself, but that doesn’t always mean it’s easy.

And loves, May is my busiest month of the year. I have something each weekend, trips, birthdays (not only can I name someone for each day this month, both my mommy and I have birthdays this week!), graduations, and it’s the beginning of wedding season. It’s almost as if this is the month of go-go-go before summer sets in. So, when you know that you need some time to sit still and yet your calendar is completely full (and your to-do list because of said calendar is miles long), what do you do?

I’m learning. I’m learning that everything is a practice, from my yoga to my spin to my business to my sitting still. And this means that some days are amazing, and some days I fall out of the pose. That I have to schedule my time to sit still the same way I do my birthday celebration, and that even when it doesn’t come easy, that sitting still is still something to do.

And what do I do when I sit still? Meditate (or try to), relax, do nothing, read, recharge, Netflix and chill, look for inspiration, try to turn my mind off, try to turn inward, and most importantly, try to just be. Have I mentioned that it’s not always easy. That getting caught up in being busy and all I “have” to do is much easier? But, that when I do let myself sit still we’re all better for it.

I’d love to know: what’s your journey with sitting still? Tricks?

Wishing us all a week of stillness, birthdays, and amazing shoes! XO RA

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.