Sunday Chronicles: The Things We Didn’t Get To

a woman in a light blue and red strapless dress in the middle of the road

Each season I attempt to make a “bucket list” of things I want to do, as well as a wishlist of all the things I want to buy (and wear and shoot). Even with the best of intentions, I’ve never had a year where I’ve been able to do everything on my list(s). Maybe it’s me and I aim too high- or as I like to think, the time and the days just get away some times.

Especially this year, my lists have a lot left on them. Between my aunt’s death, then being sick, it feels as if the past month or so has been a time of regrouping/resting rather than making progress. And months like that happen. But as the seasons prepare to change (though I’m under no illusion that it will magically get cooler after Labor Day. You could count on one hand the number of days we’ve had this summer under 100 degrees!) how do we reconcile the things we didn’t get to?

Perhaps that sounds a bit dramatic. As I previously stated, it’s not like Labor Day is an official “switch”. There is still time to be in the water and buy amazing summer(ish) styles (maybe even on sale!). Yet, the fact is there are things I won’t get to, things to let go of- some of which are simply as my attention has moved onto other things. And some things I’m genuinely sad to have not gotten to or bought. Seasonal transitions can be a lot of things, but one of them is a bit melancholy. There is a bit of sadness in all the things we didn’t get to, or saying goodbye to great times.

(Fun fact: I can be a bit sentimental so maybe I do get a bit attached!)

The other thing about a new season coming? The things we didn’t get to give way to the things we want to do now. Often how I make peace with what I missed out on is getting excited about all the things I want to do in the coming season. Or all the things I want to wear, sometimes they’re the same thing. Another way I handle the thigns I didn’t get to? Shopping end of season sales (because so much can be worn in more than one season!) and starting my experience list for the next year. Many times it just means that I realize what I want to prioritize (aka next summer I am determined to spend more time in the water!) or what doesn’t really matter (maybe I don’t need every swimsuit). That combined with the excitement of new boots (or new ways to wear the boots I have!) and the things I didn’t get to don’t sting as much. There are always things I’m sad I missed out on, but these methods help me.

What do you do with all the things you didn’t get to this season? How do you deal with it?

Wishing us all a week of crossed off to-dos and amazing shoes! XO RA

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.

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