Sunday Chronicles: Being You (in a Wig)

Investment Piece: Being You (in a Wig)

Be You. It’s the most cliche, most true, most repeated advice. Being you is both amazing, and diffult. Yes, let’s all be all of who we are, but real talk? Being you is complicated, sometimes messy, and often takes years. My relationship with myself is still evolving, but I know it’s taken me time to really get to know me, to like me, to be comfortable with me, and to be willing to share me with the world. I truly believe that things can fall into place and are better when you’re “being you”, but I don’t believe that it’s as easy as advice makes it seem.

This isn’t a post about being yourself though. It’s about how a wig party allowed me to be myself, and what I discovered. More real talk? We all have multiple sides and complexities; it is one of the most amazing things about us. I had a friend who threw a “Wig” party for her birthday. I was excited to go and support her fun; but had it in my head that I wasn’t a “wig person”. Then came this sassy number. Would I ever cut my hair short and dye it purple? Highly doubtful, as getting to where I love my own hair has been a journey all to itself (read about that here). But this wig, it was love at first site. Not me, but it fit me so perfectly! And while I think I know myself pretty well, every time I wear it I feel a tad more sassy and a tad more free. Is it possible that the wig is a way of being me?

(You can see the look that I styled around this wig and freedom here)
Investment Piece: Freedom

A lesson that I keep learning is that we are so much more than we think. There are different sides to us, all worth loving; and our potentional for growth is amazing. It continues to amaze me what sides of us appear when we need them. Did I know that I would sometimes need the sassy side of me that this wig brings out? No. But she’s hear, and I think she’s pretty awesome.

This week let’s be ourselves. Let’s spend some time and figure out what that means. Let’s spend some time loving ourselves, spend some time around people who love us, and let’s let that love fill our space. Go be you, and if you need a wig, let’s go get one!

Wishing us all a week of being you and amazing shoes! XO RA

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.