
Investment Piece: #dotsondots
Investment Piece: Mixed Patterns
Investment Piece: #dotsondots

Have you heard? We’re having a theme party this week! Mixed patterns, mixing patterns, patterns on patterns. Quite the party!

And there’s nothing like kicking off a party with polka dots. Right?

I have feelings about polka dots. Some feelings are that you can’t go wrong with polka dots, that dots are neutral, and that there isn’t a dot that I don’t like. (You can see more of dots and dots here, here, here, and here.)

When it comes to mixing patterns, the easiest thing to do with dots is to pair them with more dots.
Dots on Dots.
It’s a thing.

Investment Piece: #dotsondots
Investment Piece: #dotsondots
Investment Piece: #dotsondots
Investment Piece: Mixing Patterns

I’ve said more than once that there is no “magic formula” for mixing patterns. And that’s true- to a point. However, there are tricks and ways to make mixing patterns easier on you! Dots on dots.

Or in other words, mixing patterns is a snap when you mix pieces with the same pattern. Maybe one piece is different colors (see white and black polka dots above), or in different sizes (big and small). Mixing the same pattern together in different pieces can take the worry out of mixing patterns, because you know that the two patterns will go together. Surprise! Dots go with dots! (Stripes also go with stripes but that’s a post for another day!)

The magic in dots on dots, or mixing any same pattern? You get to play with the details- the colors, the sizes, the pieces. Freedom and structure, the perfect juxtaposition.

My favorite thing about dots on dots? It makes even seperate pieces look like a set.

**Though I have a confession. I had this exact dot on dots look in mind for a while. I kept trying it, and yet something always felt off. What? I’m not sure, because finally one day it just looked great (to me at least!). The point? Play with your dots on dots (or mixing patterns). Sometimes it just takes a minute.
And yes, I added stripes on the shoes for a kick. I can’t help it!

Investment Piece: #dotsondots

I’ve linked some of my favorite dots below! Happy mixing!

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