Spring Break

fashion, blogger, high fashion, fashion  stories, spring break

Where I’m from Spring Break starts today (or I guess Monday?), and while I’ve always had the theory that parts of our lives are always on the school schedule (even if you don’t have kids), for some reason this year Spring Break hit me out of the blue. Maybe it’s the pandemic that has screwed with my sense of timing or events. Perhaps it’s that it’s still feeling like winter (it’s cold and rainy today) and while in some part of my brain I’ve known warmer temps are coming, but they’ve felt far off. Or maybe it’s that my own life has been upside down a bit so a thing like Spring Break hasn’t been on my radar.

The thing is, no matter my own awareness, Spring Break is here. And it has me thinking- in a world that’s been a little off (and there is still so much going on) and as an adult without kids- what does Spring Break really mean?

fashion, blogger, high fashion, fashion stories, spring break

I wish that I could tell you that my spring breaks were full of fun trips, a little respite from responsibilities. In reality, if I do get some time off this coming week it will most likely be spent cleaning (even cleaning out my closet) and getting caught up on things. BUT. If I could have a spring break like the movies tell it, this is what I would like to do:

Investment Piece: Swim Cape

Absolutely spend some time on the beach or by the water. Sleeping. Reading (can you imagine the luxury of reading books a day). Sipping on bubbles and eating fresh food. I’m one of those who still loves to work out on vacation, but balancing that I would love some true time off.

Investment Piece: Birthday

Spend time with family and friends. Over the past years I feel like my relationships have suffered. Having time to catch up, hug my people? I can think of nothing better.

Investment Piece: Vintage Swim

I’ve mentioned that I need to clean out my closet- have I mentioned that I would like to spend some time replenishing it? A few shopping trips (to see some friends even!), a little update, a little making room. Maybe my issue with spring break issue is that I need more than a week.

I think the main thing that I would like to do for Spring Break is break- get some down time, get some fun and come back to my life a little refreshed. Since my life is no longer around school spring break is something we have to make. So, if we’re making our own spring break how are we giving ourself the break we may need?

I’m still working on that. In the meantime I am dreaming of being on the beach, so below I’m linking everything I would love to take on a beach trip from swimsuits to picnic needs!
I would love to hear any and all your tips for breaks and how you’re spending the next week!
xo RA

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