Does it Have to be Special?

fashion, blogger, high fashion, fashion stories, does it have to be special
fashion, blogger, high fashion, fashion stories, does it have to be special
fashion, blogger, high fashion, fashion stories, does it have to be special

I know that special can mean a lot of different things. Perhaps something is special because of where you wore it first, or who you wore it for, or maybe how long you had to save for the outfit, or any combination or more reasons special can be used. Or maybe special can be why you want to wear the outfit. I’m a big fan of special.

But. As I am slowly learning, special can’t sustain it all of everything (Awkward?Crossing my fingers you know know what I meant) by itself. Special needs support (and maybe a place and a time). And as I’m beginning to think or explore or play with- what if it doesn’t have to be special.

This is rich for someone who in these pictures is wearing shoes and carrying a bag that are special to me. (I couldn’t resist. And maybe special is something I cling to?) But, if special is something I showcase or have to have or feel incomplete without- what if an outfit wasn’t special? What if it just was? Would it be ok? Does it have to be special?

fashion, blogger, high fashion, fashion stories, does it have to be special
fashion, blogger, high fashion, fashion stories, does it have it have to be special
fashion, blogger, high fashions fashion stories, does it have to be special

We know that I love special. From shoes to bags. I keep outfits from special days, from my family, from people I love. Special makes up a lot of what I own. (Or at least a lot of what I own is special to me). What happens when everything is special? Does it make it less special? What if your day-to-day go-to outfits aren’t “traditionally” special? (And that still means that you could look great and feel good in them) Does your outfit have to be special?

These are the questions that I can’t keep thinking about. Maybe it’s because I’ve spent so much of this year so far sick or recovering or super tired, and my daily outfit has been sweats (special points if they match). Or maybe it’s because (especially with the pandemic) I now feel that every time I shoot something or wear something it has to mean something. But. What if we just put on clothes? If there’s an outfit that you love but that has no meaning or statement piece, is it any less of a great outfit?

I tried here- a simple shirt dress (but in denim that hugs in all the right places), maybe the shoes (velvet and if you can’t see them there are sparkles on the heels) and a bag (vintage Gucci that they re-released this year) were too much. Where I lose my own argument is that I can’t help but add a special element- I can’t help but feel like even a great dress could be made better by a statement piece. And I’m working on it, I do think that we are what makes any outfit special. So not every outfit needs a statement piece. Theory doesn’t always transition easily to practice, which is weird for someone who can lay around in nothing special – but this idea, these areas of play, this is what I’m working on.

What do you think special is? Do you think an outfit has to be special? When you go out can you resist dressing it up? I would love to hear all about it!

And I’ve linked this outfit (or similar) for your shopping pleasure below!

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fashion, blogger, high fashion, fashion, stories, does it have to be special