Sunday Chronicles: Anti-List

InvestmentPiece, fashion blogger, Sunday Chronicles, anti-list, editorial, wear what you like

Loves, the thing is if you know me well, you know I’m not anti-list. I love lists! I make to-do lists, shopping lists, wish lists, shooting lists, lists about my schedule, wants, needs, gratitude. I use lists in all sorts of ways (and yes, get a strange satisfaction from crossing things off my list). So anti-list? Yes, loves, I am. Let me clarify. The list that I’m anti? The ones on Facebook, online, magazines that let you know what you MUST wear, what you HAVE to have, what you CAN’T wear (especially at a certain age), what your relationship MUST do/be/look like. Those lists I’m very anti.

Which may strike you as a little odd, after all I am a fashion blogger. I present ideas to you about what to wear and how to wear it. I have opinions about fashion. However, loves, my goal is never to come across as the fashion police. You don’t have to take my advice (or my two cents). I hope you do-I hope you like what we got going on here. But lists of what you CAN’T or HAVE to wear or do: that’s not my style. Here’s why: I think style is personal, and that there’s absolutely no age limit or have to with it. That’s part of the fun! Style is a way to express yourself, and I don’t believe in placing limits on expressing yourself.

Yes, your style is going to change over time. Yes, you may not like every trend (which I wrote about here), you may not feel comfortable in everything presented to you. That’s ok. Don’t wear what isn’t for you. However, don’t avoid any piece of style simply because a list tells you to–you are beautiful and strong and we get to wear whatever makes us feel great. No matter our age, no matter our size, no matter what a list says.

InvestmentPiece, fashion blogger, anti list, Sunday Chronicles, CA, TX, wear what you like

And lastly the one list that I like: here
Wishing us all a week of self expression and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: The Class by TT


Loves, I am a bit of a work out junkie. It’s how I process and “work out” a bunch, how I like to start my day, and makes me feel good to see what my body can do (amongst many other reasons). And as I’ve gotten wiser, not only do I enjoy a physically changellening workout, I want one that speaks to the world beyond the gym as well. I like hearing the messages of “yes, I can”, “be brave”, ones of positivity and working towards my dreams and letting things go. I work out not just for my body, but to remind myself that all things are possible. So, it seemed to be a natural fit that I would try “The Class” by Taryn Toomey. I first read about her on The Coveteur, and loved what I saw. Her class seemmed the perfect balance of a barre type class (which as an old dancer I’m addicted to) and the spiritual message I love. And when I had the chance to take a class with Taryn in LA, I jumped on it!

I have to be honest, while driving to the class I was a tad bit worried that it would be a little “too” meditative for me; I even wondered if I had time to fit in a run if I needed it. Loves, I didn’t need it. I got all the spiritual talking to I needed–I also got my ass kicked. Yes, you’ll shake your body out and work on breathing, there’s also 5 straight minutes of jump squats, a full song of a side lunge/squat combo, a song of leg raises (PS both of those are per side), and you warm up your abs with 5 mins of mountain climbers (with Taryn letting you know you can all the way through). It was fantastic.

It’s the type of class that really stayed with me, and not just because I was sore for days after. Some of the messages that Taryn said throughout class hit home for me. The top ones:

“You can do this, simply because You CAN do this”
We all know we can do things. We know the power of thoughts, we believe in ourselves, we visualize our dreams. However, I know I can be guilty of using the word “but” when I do all of those things. And I bet you are too. “But” is easy, it feels real, and it seems valid. The great thing about this statement? It cuts through the BS. You can do this because you can do this. Period. So you do it. Or if it’s something that you don’t want to do, don’t do it. Simple.

“Forgive yourself, forgive others, forgive yourself again. That’s the cycle”.
I’m a self admitted perfectionist. And when things work out the way I plan, I can get caught up in blaming myself-for not seeing it coming, for not doing more. What hit me about this is that when we’re told to forgive, we often forget that we (ourselves) are also in need of our own forgiveness. I don’t know many happy people who are not compassionate to themselves. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Forgive yourself again, for good measure.

I’ve been following “The Class” on Instagram (she has videos of single exercises!) and great little blurbs like the one above. I find them to be energizing–and true. I had such a great time at the Class, I love how much it stayed with me, and I can’t wait to get back!

What have you been loving this week?

Wishing us all a week of balance and amazing shoes! XO RA

Follow the Class on Instagram @theclassbytt and find them online at Taryn Toomey

Sunday Chronicles: Home


Loves, I’ve been thinking a lot about home this week. As you may know, I split my time between LA (where I lived for 15ish years) and TX (where I’m from). I’m aware that I am completely blessed to be able to make a crazy, nomadic life work–and blessed to be able to feel at home in different places. It’s not always easy: there’s travel, there are times when either place doesn’t seem to fit, and times when I miss wherever I happen not to be. But overall? I love it. So what exactly does home mean? And what are we building when we talk about home?

I think we can all agree that home is more than a house. For me, home can be a person, a place, or just the feeling of acceptance and support. Where my mom is, that’s home. Cities I love. Friends that love me. Certain classes, certain teachers (yes, both acting and Soul Cycle–I am a cliche). Even this site, as we get to know each other and you support me! Houses are a part of that (I’m getting to watch some dear friends put together their dream house, and it’s thrilling how much it feels like home to all of us), but the feeling is so much more important than the physical. Throughout our lives, I think that we are all looking for home, that place of respite that feeds you. Home can bring you comfort. Support you. Inspire you. Be a place where you’re comfortable stating your needs, and a place where they’re met. It’s a place where people miss you, where you’re wanted, where people care. And loves, that’s so much more than four walls.

So as I’ve been in various places I call home this week, and talked to people who are home to me, I can’t help but think about how lucky I am to have so much home–and what we can do to be home to each other. If home is simply a place where we’re good to each, could we make everyone feel at home? And what would it look like if we did? Is it possible for us to make a home for all of us?

I’d love to know your thoughts on home, on how it makes you feel, on what you think about making each other feel at home!

Wishing us all a week of home and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Olympics


Loves, it’s the Olympics! Which you know, unless you’ve been living under a rock. And yes, there are a ton of issues with the location, the safety, the danger–I actually have strong opinions on these, but as the games have started they have faded away. Athletes who train for their whole lives are now chasing medals. Their dedication, strength, and passion are something to which most of us can only aspire to. And while I have issues with the location, and some of the broadcast, I can’t help but be riveted. Seeing people so fearlessly pursue their dreams and greatness is rare–and the Olympics are nothing but that. It makes you think–about your dreams, about your pursuit.

So, I ask: are you watching? Do the games inspire you? What are you chasing fearlessly?

Wishing us all a week of greatness and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Happy 4th of July!


I hope your long weekend is full of all the best: bbbqs, friends, champagne and fun. I hope you have rest and relaxation, and adventure to fill your soul. I hope there’s watermelon and strawberries, and red, white, and blue! Most of all I wish you fireworks–in all the best ways!

We’re taking tomorrow off to celebrate, but let’s meet back here Tuesday to catch up and talk fashion. Deal? Deal!

Wishing us all a week of celebration and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Happy Mother’s Day!


It’s quite the week for my family: my mom officially retired from a job of 23 yrs, today is Mother’s Day, tomorrow is my mom’s birthday, and my birthday is Tuesday. There are parties and drinks and celebrations. Plans for the day, for the future, for this week. It’s crazy and lovely and full of love. How are you? What are you doing today? I hope you let your mom know how much you love her! If you’re a mom I hope you’re spoiled! And if, for whatever reason, today is a hard day for you- I hope you know I’m sending you love!

Wishing us all a week of love and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronciles: Ballet


I danced throughout my childhood and high school – ballet, tap, jazz, was on my TX high school drill/dance team, took class every week. I loved it- the discipline, the grace, the beauty. The way it felt to control my body that way. Now don’t romanticize it- I wasn’t great, ballet was never my career goal, but I loved it in that pure way a child can love something. It brought me joy. I grew away from dance in college- just time and other commitments. However, I found my way back to ballet in my 20s- as an exercise, a hobby, something I loved. I found a ballet class I loved and genuinely loved the discipline, the grace- and something we called tutu Tuesday.


Again, I was never great – maybe good- but not great. But this hobby has fueled me- made me more creative, gave me an outlet, taught me things.

This year has been a journey- I’m traveling more, have more than one base camp, and my schedule is a little more all over the place. I still longed to dance but in one of my base cities the classes available are through a ballet company. With great dancers. And loves, I got scared. Told myself that ballet is not something I’m great at, so why risk taking a class?

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of that little voice inside me that tells me I can’t do something. And that was vocalized to me by a friend of mine in Pilates who listened to me say I’m not great and responded, “Isn’t it sad, as women and adults, the things we keep ourselves from doing?” Loves, it is sad. My doing ballet was never about being great- it was creating for creating sake, and something that brought me joy.

So this week I told that little voice inside me to take a hike. I got out my ballet slippers. And I took a class- and I loved it. I was good- and didn’t care that I wasn’t great.

Today is International Dance Day so it seemed like a good fit to share. I hope that today you dance- just to dance. That it brings you joy. And that those things that you love in your life- don’t let any voice in your head keep you from them!


Wishing us all all a week of creative joy and amazing shoes! XO RA

Sunday Chronicles: Inspiration

I travel a lot for work (this weekend I went to Tyler, TX for a vintage pop up) and I have more LA and TX trips throughout the end of the month and May. Being so busy there are times when my inspiration can vanish- just in the rush of all the things that have to get done. However, with these trips I’m actually gaining inspiration – new faces, friends, clothes and projects are fueling me, and I’m really excited about some of the things ahead. Below are a list of some of my current inspirations- I would love to know- what inspires you?

Magazines. I know- trite- but I love looking at the editorials! It gives me ideas (and clothes to drool over)

Nature. As busy as I’ve been I have made it a point to really focus on the outside world- whether that be a walk or simply allowing myself to take in the beauty around us. I find it very calming- and no one does a color palette like Mother Nature

Poetry. We know I love to read, but I’ve just recently gotten into poetry books. There’s something about a book you can savor a bit at a time- especially when that bit is pure beauty.

Collabs!! I’ve been blessed to meet a bunch of great people and am working with some amazing professionals. We have new photographers and stylists and artists that you’ll be seeing here soon- and being around creative people is a high for me!!

Wishing us all a week of inspiration and amazing shoes! XO RA