How to Fake It

Investment Piece: How to Fake it
Investment Piece: How to Fake it
Investment Piece: How to fake it
Investment Piece: How to fake it
Investment Piece: How to fake it
Investment Piece: how to fake it

Top ten things to happen during your day? Someone compliments your outfit.
Top five things to happen during your day? Someone asks where you got it.

(And Ladies, let’s play for the same team here, if someone asks where you got something–or even if they just compliment you–be a sport and tell them. It’s a compliment! And when we’re all stylish, we all win!)

These things mean so much, especially when you love what you’re wearing, and I have a big policy here that you should love what you’re wearing. Another policy? I believe in investing in quality pieces that not only look amazing on you (gaining compliments) but last for years. (Isn’t the name Investment Piece amazing?!?1) (And yes, those are Gucci loafers). But wanna know yet another policy? I believe in faking it (in moderation, never in the bedroom, and only when it comes to amazing fashion).

Loves, let’s get real, we can’t buy all luxury all the time (or if you can and would like to adopt me in any way, I am available). And wearing head to toe designer can be a little stale. I love the mixing of high and low fashion, I think it’s fresh and modern. Another policy? (I promise, I’m not in Congress). I hate knock offs. I really have an issue with directly copying someone else’s design, the artist in me can’t handle it. but I understand that desire to have something specific, and I get wanting that asthetic. My solution/compromise? A “cheaper” item with that designer feel. Not a knock off, but a “in the spirit of”, if you will.

This jacket? HM. (Seriously, they have some amazing stuff right now!). I love that it’s bold and just Gucci-esque. I love that it goes great with my Gucci. (And my new fave AYR jeans). I love that it makes me feel polished and that it feels like pjs. I love that it’s a fake, but not a fake.

So, how do we fake it? We find something that we love. We pair it with things we love. We rock it proudly, even if it’s a “fake”. And we share our secrets.

How do you fake it?

Investment Piece: how to fake it

90% off luxury consignment

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.