Sunday Chronciles: Ballet


I danced throughout my childhood and high school – ballet, tap, jazz, was on my TX high school drill/dance team, took class every week. I loved it- the discipline, the grace, the beauty. The way it felt to control my body that way. Now don’t romanticize it- I wasn’t great, ballet was never my career goal, but I loved it in that pure way a child can love something. It brought me joy. I grew away from dance in college- just time and other commitments. However, I found my way back to ballet in my 20s- as an exercise, a hobby, something I loved. I found a ballet class I loved and genuinely loved the discipline, the grace- and something we called tutu Tuesday.


Again, I was never great – maybe good- but not great. But this hobby has fueled me- made me more creative, gave me an outlet, taught me things.

This year has been a journey- I’m traveling more, have more than one base camp, and my schedule is a little more all over the place. I still longed to dance but in one of my base cities the classes available are through a ballet company. With great dancers. And loves, I got scared. Told myself that ballet is not something I’m great at, so why risk taking a class?

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of that little voice inside me that tells me I can’t do something. And that was vocalized to me by a friend of mine in Pilates who listened to me say I’m not great and responded, “Isn’t it sad, as women and adults, the things we keep ourselves from doing?” Loves, it is sad. My doing ballet was never about being great- it was creating for creating sake, and something that brought me joy.

So this week I told that little voice inside me to take a hike. I got out my ballet slippers. And I took a class- and I loved it. I was good- and didn’t care that I wasn’t great.

Today is International Dance Day so it seemed like a good fit to share. I hope that today you dance- just to dance. That it brings you joy. And that those things that you love in your life- don’t let any voice in your head keep you from them!


Wishing us all all a week of creative joy and amazing shoes! XO RA

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.