Here it is- Again February. Again in the 80s. And again, I’ve been putting off wearing these pants (and more!) as it needs to be perfect! What is with that? Why is a great outfit something I put off? NO idea of there are answers here – but is a prod to not put off great outfits in the pursuit of perfect outfits!
I fell in love with these wool blend split waist (yep- that hint of grey isn’t a mistake! The waist on these pants has a high and a low portion– and I just love it!) and have had them for a while. Every time I reached for them, I stopped myself– not because I didn’t want to wear them but because I worried that I didn’t have the “perfect” top to go with them. I wanted to highlight this special and cool waist band! Shirts I looked at: sheer, corset, rouched, seamed, cropped–I felt like it had to be the perfect, most perfect thing to wear.
**Sidenote: perhaps my deep need to have things be perfect explains why I’m so drawn to party dresses! Just something I’m thinking about!
Back to these pants!
Searching for “perfect” kept me from wearing and styling these pants. That I love! Then, this week (while, yes, it’s still February) the weather turned. Hot. It was in the 80s yesterday! And as stylish as these pants are– they are wool and something tells me sweating in them in the extreme heat will not be stylish. My time was now or never- so I grabbed a tank (sweater tank to be exact) and styled them. And you know what? It’s perfect. I love the ribbing matching the stripe on the sides. I love that it’s a bit winter and a bit spring.
And to think: I almost missed this. (I also thought about the double entendre that it was possible to “almost miss” the waistband!)
What are we missing out on by holding onto a way “things should be”? Or what are we missing by waiting for perfect? I don’t know– but I know we probably don’t want to miss them. Advice on how to stop letting perfectionism get in our way is not something I should be giving–I am still working on it myself. But. I know that I almost missed this great outfit (and almost missed sharing it with you!) because I was trying to make it perfect- instead of trusting that it would be. That’s not how I want to live my life. And I also want to wear these pants!
So- what if we just go for all those things? I’m in if you are!
(In the spirit of just that I’ve linked shopping options for you below!) XO RA
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