Sunday Chronicles : Chaos as Catalyst

a cat biting the heel of a woman wearing a white dress with tabby cats on its

As you may have imagined, it’s been a little crazy around here. The site got hacked, we got it back, and have been playing catch up since then. I became a Dora Maar Muse, which means that I’m still going through my closet (aka things are in disarray). And on top of that- I’ve adopted another cat. Well, I should say that I’ve taken the outside cat who has been fed and loved here for years and found a way to get him fixed (thank you PALS!!) but he got a little infection. So, I’ve been playing cat mom/nurse as he’s living in my bathroom- and of course that means we’re dealing with the other cat, the laundry I’m letting pile up, exhaustion, worry, etc.

Long story short? It’s been a little chaotic here.

And I’m wiped. Yet- I had a moment this am (around 5a when one cat was crying for me and the other wasn’t sure what to think about that) that I realized that chaos can be a catalyst for change. I need to clean out. I need to clean. And for months my rountine has needed some tweaking. While I don’t know that I would have chosen this exact path- this time of chaos may be the thing I need as a catalyst to the changes I want to make.

It’s not going to be easy, especially when I’m overtired and needed so much, and there seems to be a lot of changes coming. On the other hand, perhaps being stuck in the fire is the best (fastest) way to get into the new. My plan to get through the chaos to the change? A step at a time. Rebel (previous outside cat) only wants to be in my bathroom- and be held a lot. He and I are going to clean my bathroom (and hopefully cleanout some makeup!) today. Then tomorrow Cartier (indoor cat) and I will start tackling my closet. Laundry both days. Snuggle breaks both days. And I’ll used this time to get to bed earlier (hopefully), get up earlier, and begin to manage my time (work, cats, home, etc) in better chunks.

Will this chaos as a catalyst work? I can’t be sure, but I know it’s what I got to use right now, do we might as well use it. The worst that will happen? The chaos just leaves me needing a nap! And the change comes later. I can also live with that.

What are you planning to use to your advantage this week? How are you handling it?

Wishing us all a week of good chaos and amazing shoes! XO RA