Sunday Chronicles: Detox

Investment Piece: Sunday Chronicles: Detox

By now, I’m sure that all of your social media feeds are full of the news. It’s detox season and from “dry January” to juicing to no sugar, everyone is giving up something. I’m no stranger to a detox (I’ve even written about it here and here and here. Juice is something I love, dry January is completely doable, and sugar can be given up. I believe in balance, and think that detox is a part of that.

However, this year I’ve been thinking a lot about detoxing and what needs to be cut, needs to be balanced, needs to be dealt with in my life. In the holiday season, it can be so easy to over-indulge, that the balance seems to be a detox. I know my body is ready to cut back on sugars, carbs, alcohol and get more sleep. But is going to extremes in our detox any better than going to extremes in our indulgences? I love the occasional glass of wine, and is that so bad? For research, I’ve been reading why dry January is good for you, Why Not to do Dry January, and for fun, The Champagne diet. My take-away? Do what works for you, but if the goal is moderation, maybe extreme measures aren’t the best.

My diet isn’t the only thing I’m thinking of detoxing. The new year means a fresh start and nothing says “new” like a good closet detox. I usually spend some time in January devoted to chatting about closet clean outs (see here, here, and here), and I’m getting the urge to purge again. However, this year I’m not only thinking of what to clean out, I’m thinking of what kind of wardrobe I want to build. I shop, a lot, and while I’m never going to be one to have a minimalist closet (I just love too many styles too much), I do want to be more mindful in what I curate. It’s like balance, but for designer shoes. This means that when I clean out, I’m going to be aware of what I put back in. Yes, I may take more time shopping, may be pickier with my choices, and may cut back on fast fashion; but if that gets me a great closet, is that a bad thing?

Can you tell that my goal with detox this year is to get to a state of balance? I’m thinking about what I want my relationships (with food and clothes, among other things) to be; and my goal is make choices that best serve the relationships I want. Yes, there may be a glass of wine and new shoes occasionally, we’re chatting detox, not giving things up entirely!

I’d love to know: what are your thoughts on detox? Are you cutting things out this month?

Wishing us all a week of balance and amazing shoes!