into the wild

Investment Piece: into the wild
Investment Piece: into the wild
Investment Piece: into the wild

And we’re back. The holidays are over, work and real life have begun again, and it’s back to the grind. For me, the week that we “return” from the holidays is always bittersweet. When you’ve been on holiday for a while, and the winter holidays often feel like a while, coming back to work can be difficult. If you’re like me, you’re used to a more relaxed schedule, more treats, and more freedom. It’s hard to give that up. However, there’s also a joy. The new is thrilling and full of plans to be made and goals to crush. It’s full of possibility and hope. I love going into the office and feeling renewed about my purpose and work.

(Coming back also gives you a chance to show off the new clothes you got over the holidays. I got this Dino sweatshirt. Yes, it’s from the kid’s section. Yes, there are reversable sequins. Yes, it was my favorite gift from Santa.)

The vacation is good. The new year is good. Is there a way to combine the best of them both? Perhaps.
It’s into the wild, and we’re off.

Investment Piece: into the wild
Investment Piece: into the wild
Investment Piece: into the wild

But. What is the wild?
Is it some place ( or thing) we’ve never been (or done) before?
A place without rules?
Somewhere where the animals run free? (Yes, I’m a Dino lover, but I do think bringing them back would be a disaster)

For me, wild is a bit of it all. It’s the feeling of doing new things, making up rules as we go along, and running a bit free. It’s also the start of the new year: unformed, a little raw, and open to what comes. And for us? For fashion? Wild (to me) means trying new things, having fun, redefining our classics, making a wardrobe that works for us, and stories. Lots of stories.

Into the wild? Let’s go!

I’ve linked similar outfit options for your shopping pleasure below!
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Investment Piece: into the wild