Sunday Chronicles: Do-Overs

Lately, I’ve been thinking about do-overs. I have so many pictures and outfits from when I first started Investment Piece and it was just me and my iPhone and a remote. Occasionally, I revisit them and think about sharing some of them. Or reshooting some of them. But, what would necessitate a do-over of something?

Both in fashion and in life, sometimes we need second chances. Or maybe there are times when the story isn’t finished. We all have favorite pieces or outfits, I know I re-wear things. Is that a kind of do-over?

I don’t think that do-overs are bad. And I don’t think that rebelling a story, or using favorites to tell a new story is bad either. But I am fascinated by the do-overs we do, the ones we pass on, and the process of making that decision. I don’t know that I have any answers, or even hard and fast rules about what I do-over. Do you?

In the meantime, what should I do with all these pictures? Do you want to see them?

And if you love what I’m wearing in the video (it’s a denim trench worn as a dress), I’ve linked similar items below for your shopping pleasure!

Wishing us all a week of as many do-overs as we need and amazing shoes!
xo RA

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