I want to tell you about who cool I am. Or the AMAZING outfits I have to be at a party (or more!).
And I do. I have.
Let me tell you the best way to spend NYE is in. In a slip nightgown that is good for anything younwant to do. Bubbles. (of any kind). And fries. As everything is better with fries. Do I have more exciting outfits? Yes And I will will show them on social media and here- but it is oh so lovely to be at home on this holiday and in something we call chic. I’ve linked my fave current options below.
I am dying to know: how do you love to spend NYE?
So. It’s perhaps the kick off for the holidays (this is very US coded as this is the week of Thanksgiving, but yet- no matter where you are next weekend is December so it all works!)
Or perhaps (if you have been following along about our house drama) but we have a date when we need to be out for the abatement and demo of the house (which means a LOT of packing and stress)
Or perhaps it’s just my own internal angst.
But the overwhelming feelings this holiday?
They are intense!
So while my list (of not only to-dos but to survives) seems oh -so- big I am trying to tell myself that all the holiday things will come and will work out — I have to be honest:
We need to pack and make plans to be out of my house (with my cats!) for a week for the beginning of work. In between this, I had a goal of changing over my closet from summer to fall (with an ever so slight clean out). And some gift guides. And all the things.
Let me be honest in that this holiday overwhelm? It’s overwhelming.
(and yes- even just this time of year can be overwhelming, if that’s what you’re feeling it’s 100% valid!) My overwhelm? Not 100% the holiday (but not helping. The house? not helping)
So. Here’s the plan and the schedule and how I am dealing with the overwhelm :
– I am not making big decisions. Originally, I thought that I would switch my closet out and clean it out. Pack up for the renovations and clean it out. But As I am realizing a lot of big changes are coming (some oh so quickly), I am realizing that big choices (and yes, even a closet clean out) should be pushed down the line. In other words, I know that I am not in a space to make any sort of big choice (event if it’s a “should I keep this shirt choice”). I am doing what I can- aka switching over the closet and any deep clean out may be waiting. This also goes for the rest of the house.
-I am letting it go. This Thanksgiving will most likely be on boxes and out of containers. I am not stressing. I am letting it be
– I will have to let this site go dark for a week. Not my plan. Or ideal. But. I can’t do it all. We will be back after this week! And of course you can shop along with me on all the sites (links updated!)
So. I guess this is my way of saying the holiday is oh so much for us that we are taking off. We will be (packing and getting our house right and then prepping for us!) back next Monday 12/2– and I can’t wait to update you on OH SO MUCH *including gift guides this year*!!
I will be on all the socials and the sites. and will be updating my shopping picks– and I do hope the overwhelm becomes a bit less and I have a sooner post. But. I wanted to get ahead.
SO. Meet ya here on 12/2? Links to shop? If you need me you’ll email?
Same and same!
I am so sorry I have been MIA. I have been battling the worst migraine- we are talking blurry vision, unable to sit up, head pounding, so incredibly nauseated migraine. Essentially I have been non-functional since Tuesday- too sick to even get dressed much less work. As I type (squinting as it still hurts) I’m hoping it’s on the way out- my big plans are pain pills and bed asap. Starting Monday I hope to be back and myself again. In the meantime? My fashion story is dark rooms and satin eye masks!
Wishing us all a pain feee week and amazing shoes! XO RA
There is scheduled WordPress maintenance that will interfere with our Friday post- we hope to have it up by noon- but if not will be back Sunday with fashion and stories!
My beloveds, it was every intention to get a post up today. However, while not affected weather wise by the Hurricane in Houston, I have been dealing with power and internet outages due to the storm. We look to be all set so I will meet you back here on Friday with NEW fashion stories. So sorry about that and thank you for your support!
Not new, but more and more becoming a go-to, must have, wear all the time, combo for me? A strapless swim (and this black one is my GO TO, I wear it with everything!) and a circle skirt. Chic. Easy. Cool- especially temp wise! This outfit combination is so classic, and yet, endlessly adaptable. Do I love it with my Dr Scholl’s? Absolutely. Would this outfit look just as amazing with heels or wedges? Yes. Love this crossbody? Yes. Pair with a tote or clutch. Truly, there are so many ways to look chic in this outfit formula.
You could even swap the swimsuit as bodysuit for a tee, or a crop top. A blouse. A vest. Almost anything you like. In the summer I am partial to skirts with some movement and some drape (pencil skirts are fantastic and I love them but when it’s 105 out anything that touches me too tightly can feel like too much!). Circle skirts in particular just feel fun, swinging and a bit like the season.
Loves! I do hate to jump the gun but I can’t wait to tell you and show you a project that me and my seamstress are working on– making this skirt! Yes, we will probably make it in more than one fabric and I can’t wait to wear them with everything!
I know it’s the season of shorts. And capris. Sundresses. But I can’t tell you how often I reach for a skirt in the summer. Go to’s. Go with everything. Go chicly.
What are your go-to outfits and outfit formulas in the summer? What makes you feel the most cool (temp wise) and chic? I would love to hear all about it!
Some of these exact pieces and similar ones are linked for you below. And if you’re in the market for a circle skirt I do have to let you know that there are ton of amazing vintage options- I would look at Etsy and one of my fave ways to shop vintage is on the GEM app. Happy circle skirting!
Note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!
I had big plans about what to talk about today. I recently got on my first plane since COVID. Thoughts about packing (is there such a thing as too many shoes?! Of course not!) And how travel size of your fave cosmetics from sunscreen to lipstick are a great investment.
Then. Life. This weekend my mother got sick and after an ER visit yesterday my mom needed emergency surgery. Ironically I wore a jumpsuit I wanted to talk about- but fashion and posts haven’t been something I have been able to get to.
Mom is doing ok- and now that we are past the emergency I am hoping for a recovery that’s easy! We will chat all kinds of travel- including do you care what you wear to the hospital? In the meantime I’m off to rest- see ya here Fri?
I’ve been posting this on my mom’s birthday for a few years now- it’s become tradition. While my mom’s birthday is on Thursday this year it’s a big week of her birthday, my birthday, family in, Mother’s Day and prepping for some fun shoots, a deep house clean and a big work trip. My mom and I are close, and yet different. However, as I get older I realize I’m more like her than I think, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Especially now, as some of us are apart from our families, I think about how the women in my life shaped me. I spent the past few years isolating with my mom- it wasn’t always easy, but I’m so grateful we did! Even though we spent the better part of the years not getting dressed up- I still learned about style from her over this past year. And yes, we’re getting dressed today! Hope whatever your relationship with moms are, this season lands easy. Xo RA
Loves! It’s my Momma’s birthday! (on Tuesday!) If you haven’t caught on, my mom and I are close, and I can’t begin to describe how much I love her, and how appreciative I am for all she does for me. Mom is a CPA and teaches accounting, she’s our CFO, and while that’s completely different from her creative daughter who thinks shoes are a necessity (I mean I need shoes, I occasionally want to eat); Mom’s style has influenced me and helped me become the fashionista I am today. So, what did I learn from Mom’s style? Glad you asked!
Stay True to Your Style
No matter the trend or what “you’re supposed” to do, sticking to what you love and what works for you is something to be admired–and makes you look stunning! Mom is a big fan of navy. She is known for her love of navy suits, shoes, and bags. There are years when navy is “in” and years when we’ve had to search for navy for Mom. That doesn’t matter to Mom, even when the styles she loves aren’t in she sticks to them. There’s a classic-ness in that, a commitment. That’s not to say Mom doesn’t try new things, but I’ve learned that you don’t need to be a slave to trends, that sticking to things you love is something to be commended, and when you find something that fits you–hang onto it!
Proper Undergarments Matter
Mom and I have had a lot of events recently and at everyone Mom has mentioned that she thinks I might need a slip. (Side note: I have slips, I’m not great at wearing them) Here’s the thing though: Mom may have a point. Lining, slips, proper garments: our clothes fit better when we make sure these things are taken care of. Proper fit is important (Mom is big on that too) and to ensure that the fit flows, proper undergarments help. (And let’s be honest, no one likes the look of lines!)
Invest in Your Suit
Something Mom and I agree about whole heartedly? Your suit, be it an actual suit, jeans or yoga pants, is something to invest in. Mom, being an accountant, is a fan of actual suits and made it a point to invest in good ones each year. Now that she’s in a place where she’s good on suits, Mom is having fun filling her closet with tanks, tops and blouses (both classic and trendy) to wear with her suits. However, she’s always adamant that her suits are high quality, she checks seams and linings, that it’s where she spends her money. And loves, I agree–what you wear the most should be where you invest your money.
Don’t be Afraid to Accessorize
Mom is a more conservative dresser than I am, yes. However, Mom is not too conservative for a great accessory! I can’t remember a time when Mom didn’t leave the house without a scarf, jewelry, pins, or gloves. We do a high tea occasionally, and Mom is always on point with her hats (and gloves!). The lesson? You can always be playful, and the details are always a place to have fun!
While Mom and I may have different opinions about certain fashions, but my Mom has some amazing style, and I’m so grateful she taught me all she knows!
What’s the VERY true saying? Everything comes back. (Part of what makes cleaning our closets out so hard!) Well. Now- guess who’s back?!? The peplum! What once was everywhere and on almost every top is now back- and while this specific peplum is seasons old (actually from one of our first posts! Can you believe we have been here this long?) it feels brand new– thanks to things being back!
Know what else is back? These are some of the first pictures I (my mom) took for the blog! Isn’t it funny that when a style comes back all the things around that style comes back? Ironically I still have this peplum top. And love it. But. If all things come back- and all of the memories as well- how do we stop ourselves from just repeating the same things or getting caught in the past? Being back shouldn’t mean stuck-right?
My tips for the new but back peplums?
-While I do love this outfit (and it still feels on trend) I think the best balance for a wider top-aka a peplum- is a slimmer bottom. This can be a slim jean. A pencil skirt. A straight leg pant.But balance is the key
– I love a monochrome or contrasting color. AKA – I know navy and denim aren’t EXACTLY the same but they go. Black and white? A classic. Those kind of pairings (note-these are by no means the only color combos. My main point is either same, similar or classic contrasting seems to work best!)
-A peplum can be both edgy and classic- it’s up to you to play. As with any style there’s always a bit that’s your personal take, throwing away all the advice and making a peplum your own
They are things are absolutely classics- investment pieces if you will- and I think us styling them in all the ways is fantastic. And then there are pieces that always come back-perhaps the styling changes but things always comes back (my advice is that keeping onto classics is always best and any trend buy in classic colors! Not at all hard and fast rules because I am a “if you LOVE it buy it” but very GENERAL guidelines. Give it away – in any way- if you no longer love it or think you’ll never wear it again). I think this is where I wax poetic about trends and what we buy and clean out. Those are SO big (I truly wrap my head around them every day) but those are a different (probably many different) post(s).
What we do know for sure? Things come back. You should make things your own. From trends down to classics you should buy what you love. And maybe that things comes back is thing to look forward to- instead of run from!
Below I’ve linked some of my current fave peplum tops. I hope what comes back this season makes us all smile- and that maybe we have some of those come backs in our closets!
Note: This post does have affialte links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission. Thank you for your support!
An upside and the downside of living in LA is that celebrities are everywhere! (They are just like us!)
And even though they become common place, there are just a few celebrities that I can’t help but Fangirling over. Tracee Ellis Ross is one of them. One of the best stories I have? Meeting Tracee in a SoulCycle bathroom and chatting about red lipstick. (I’m not sure of the exact science, but red lipstick does help. Everything.)
At this point, you may be asking: why Fangirl over Tracee? I mean yes, she’s stunning, talented, an advocate for causes she believes in, does amazing things like lift other artists up:
Tracee was the emcee of the AMAs and made a commitment to wearing designers of color and letting them have a platform.
Tracee’s Instagram is a glimpse into amazingly glam and couture moments and behind the scenes slices of life. There’s so much to love, and if you haven’t seen her TED talk yet, you need to get on that:
And I love this speech about having kids and the worth of being a woman: Tracee Ellis Ross is the life coach we need.
She’s an endless inspiration for outfits and how to show up in life.
There are many, many reasons to be Fangirling over Tracee Ellis Ross. But, why do I?
Tracee Ellis Ross is a woman who is comfortable in her skin, and this alone makes her radiant. We give a lot of lip service to self care and self love, even I have written about it (here, here, and here). As we know, self love isn’t just face masks and a hashtag on Sunday’s. It can also mean saying no to things, saying yes to things, and choosing to treat yourself like someone with worth.
To me, Tracee shows how to do all that. Yes, a part of it is the glam fashion and the support of amazing causes. I don’t personally know her, and there could be an argument that any time we follow someone from afar that we’re only getting a curated view of their lives. Valid points. Yet, if this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Tracee Ellis Ross’s life, I’m still a Fangirl. She’s the kind of woman I’d love to be: self assured, giving, funny, and real.
I also wouldn’t say no to this Gucci cape:
Just saying.
In the meantime, I’ll just work on being comfortable in my skin.
Wishing us all a week of happiness and amazing shoes! XO RA