Summer Prep


Loves, we’re not talking diet (the good news is that if you’re looking to get beach ready and you have a body you’re there!)! We’re talking closet. Your wardrobe. What you will wear as the temps go up and the days get longer. We’ve chatted closet clean out (refresher here) but this isn’t a clean out–I do my next big clean out in July– this is a “see what I have/what I need” moment. Because if we don’t know where we are it’s hard to get started, right? Right.

1. See What You Have

This is not a call for a major closet clean out (although if you have time to do a closet clean out and want to–by all means do!). What I tend to do is move my summer clothes to the front of my closet and do a quick run through–are there dingy t-shirts to be tossed out? Things I know I will never wear? I get rid of those (GoodWill usually). Then, I remind myself of what I have–great dresses, sandals, and outfits that will work perfectly for the upcoming season!

2. See What You Need
Make notes of what holes your closet has for the summer –for me this is always flips flops (I go through them fast) and swim suits. It could also be new tees or tanks, or a dress for that wedding in July; just having this information in the back of your mind makes summer shopping easier (and ensures you don’t end up with a ton of the same thing!)

3. Leave Room For Fun
Last week we chatted trends (like this one) and summer is full of them! So while making sure you know what you need, it’s ok to want a few fun things too! Even my accountant says so! So pick out a fun top or a new bathing suit–and have fun with it!


There’s no need for this all to get done today–certainly not the shopping portion (as far as I’m concerned that’s an all summer project)–but I love knowing what I need as I head into a new season. And it makes summer seem all the more closer!

Happy Thursday! XO RA

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.