What We’re Wearing

A few months ago, I began a little video series on Instagram called “What We’re Wearing”. I mainly wanted to a. Keep myself accountable to always be creating, and b. Wanted an informal place to chat about what I’m wearing or thinking about or unpacking that week. If you follow me on Instagram (@racheladelicia) you’ve seen it and I appreciate you, and I’m sorry this is redundant for you. But if you don’t follow me (and I appreciate you being here!) I didn’t want to leave you out. So, I figured I would round up a few of my little videos for your Friday viewing pleasure.

Each is a bit different (and there are more on IG) but I wanted to give you a little taste. Most importantly, I would love to know: what are you wearing? What are you buying for spring? Or thinking about your closet? Tell me all of it!

Western Boots

For my first episode I dove deep into western boots!


After the holidays I was gifted a bunch of vintage, I’m still sorting it and shooting it and loving it. You’ve seen some of it here!

Spring Shoes

I love these sandals I recently got on sale. You can shop them here (Yes, that is an affiliate link, and while that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from it. Thank you for your support! Also, these babes are under $50!)

I have a lot more to chat about, and I can’t wait to share it all with you!

CEO is my Fave Position

Investment Piece: CEO is my Fave Postion
Investment Piece: CEO is my Fave Postion
Investment Piece: CEO is my Fave Postion

Some truths: being a CEO is amazing. You get to fulfill your vision. You’re in charge. Schedule/timeline/duties/etc. They are all up to you. And it’s empowering. And fun.

And yet

Being a CEO is a lot. There are days when I wish someone else would make calls. Make the decisions. Cut the checks.

Bein in control is both a blessing and a curse.

But. You know what makes me love being a boss? (Well, one of the things). Looking like one. And a blazer dress doe that like no other dress I know.

Investment Piece: CEO is my fave position
Investment Piece: CEO is my Fave Postion
Investment Piece: CEO is my Fave Postition

A blazer dress is both a classic and a little bit edgy, all at the same time. This one is vintage, and is the first time in a long time that I’ve left the shoulder pads in something. (I like it!) I was drawn to the buttons and the slight oversize (and yet the cinch waist).

Months ago, I was at a cocktail party and a friend showed up in a blazer dress. It was the perfect mix of office chic and sexy. Wearing this made me feel like a BOSS. You know, just one of those outfits that made me feel AMAZING. Blazer dresses are back in style, and I can’t recommend them enough.

I’ve linked similar dresses to this one below, I would love to hear about how boss you feel in yours!

Note: this post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I might earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

Shop the look here

Investment Piece: My fave Postion is CEO

mixing and matching and trending

Investment Piece: mixing and matching and trending
Investment piece: mixing and matching and trending

The thing I always wonder about the term “mix and match”, isn’t everything mixing and matching? Not that there aren’t sets. Not that you can’t wear those sets together, but for the most part, in most of your life, aren’t we simply putting things together and hoping it works? Like meal planning- if you’re very traditional, you’re picking a protein, a carb, a veggie, and you’re hoping they go together. Isn’t that mixing and matching? And that’s just food, we do it with our schedules, our workouts, our playlists?

Shouldn’t our closets be the easiest thing to mix and match?

Take vintage skirts and vintage logo tops? Not a set, but they work as one. (This one was easy, the leathers blend!)
So, when the mixing and matching is easy, what do you do? Add a trend!

Investment Piece: Mixing and Matching and trending
Investment Piece: mixing and matching and trending
Investment Piece: mixing and matching and trending

Is there anything more on trend this season than snakeskin boots? And if leopard can be a neutral, why can’t snakeskin?

At least, that’s the theory I’m working with.
Ironically enough, I got these boots last fall, but I still get stopped and asked about them–snakeskin is the new neutral, you heard it here first! I love how it goes with so much (a made up leather set) and feel like standouts.

I had a lot of fun with this look-I usually shy away from minis but this one was just long enough to make even mom comfortable. Logo mania? Pro-tip: buy vintage. This top feels fresh (do logos ever go out of style?) but it’s vintage. Together, this felt modern and fun, and a bit of a stand out.

Now if I could only find a way to mix and match sitting in traffic so I missed all the stop and go!

Investment Piece: mixing and matching and trending

I’ve linked similar items below for your shopping pleasure. I’d love to know: what’s your take on mixing and matching?

Note: this post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!


Investment Piece: Layered
Investment Piece: Layered
Investment Piece: Layered
Investment Piece: Layered
Investment Piece: Layered

This ain’t your Momma’s layering. This is layered. Taking formulas and elevating them. Going to extremes with basics. Mixing textures, patterns, and maybe the same time of clothes. Like a jacket over a jacket.
I know. It may sound crazy for me to tell you that a blazer works over a jean jacket. A jacket over a jacket? I know. But.
Hear me out- it works.
Most of all? It’s fun.

This is a little bit uniform dressing, after all we’re just pairing a jacket, jeans, and boots. And it’s a little bit statement. I love the play of the double denim (pro-tip, try to blend the Jean rinses, but don’t get too caught up in making sure they match exactly. Unless you bought them as a set you’ll just drive yourself crazy) and a statement blazer (this one has the jeweled collar, but you could always get the same effect with necklaces). The boots are a little bit western (there’s so much to say on that at a later date). The great thing? You could personalize this outfit as much as you like: use your favorite blazer, boots, use a top and not a jacket, be as bold or as classic as you like. No matter what, it’s the perfect solution for fall. Layered.

How do you do it?

I love all things tweed and Jean and have linked similar items to the ones above for your shopping pleasure. I’d love to see how you style them!

Note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

Investment Piece: Layered

Vintage and Pops

Investment Piece: Vintage and Pops
Investment Piece: Vintage and Pops
Investment Piece: Vintage and Pops

Ever had something keep popping up till you had to pay attention? For me, lately, that was a Diane Freis dress. A staple in the 1980s, I can clearly remember my mom wearing one, these dresses mix patterns and have simple shapes. (Yes, there are sizes but it’s all basically one size. Most waists are smocked and stretchable, they are all made to fit a wide range of sizes).

While I had stumbled across a few of these dresses before (and loved them), it was within the past month that almost EVERY vintage shop I love had a Diane Freis in stock. See FeatherStoneVintage and Miriti Vintage, and everyone in between. (And of course, etsy is a great place for all vintage).

I rember thinking how chic my mom looked in her Diane Freis dress. And when these dresses started popping up, I couldn’t help but think how chic they are now. Patterned mixed perfectly. Smocked. Silhouettes that seem both classic and vintage. And a way to get an “all in one” dressing done.

Investment Piece: Vintage and Pops
Investment Piece: Vintage and Pops
Investment Piece: Vintage and Pops
Investment Piece: Vintage and Pops

Usually one of my favorite things to do with vintage is to pair it with modern pieces. There’s nothing like a great juxtaposition. Take it from me. However, this time my pops weren’t quite so jarring. The shoes and bag I choose to orginally wear with my Diane Freis were not quite modern (though since I’ve worn this dress with both flip flops and sneakers), but they weren’t quite vintage. I’m a fan of resale sites. And shopping. These shoes are Miu Miu and from a few seasons ago, when I couldn’t quite afford them. Shopping resale I was able to get the shoes I loved at a price that I could stomach. Same for this clutch. I have this theory that we never have to pay full price.

And that, even if the juxtapositions aren’t jarring, they’re important.

So, if something keeps popping up should you buy it? Why not?

I’ve linked similar items to all of these pictures below. I’d love to hear about all your Diane Freis stories. And resale stories. And mixing stories. What are you buying right now?

Note: this post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

Investment Piece: Vintage and Pops

Dots. Spots. Minis.

Investment Piece: Dots. Spots. Minis
Investment Piece: Dots. Spots. Minis
Investment Piece: Dots. Spots. Minis
Investment Piece: Dots. Spots. Minis

I’ve spent the summer longing for a mini dress. At the same time, being terrified that all the mini dresses that I loved would be too short. (Yes, there are downsides to being tall) So, even though I thought this summer should be the summer of a mini dress, I resisted.
I remembered.
In my closet there was a perfect mini dress. Spotted. (I do love a good polka dot). And mini without being too short. Is the moral of the story that we already have what we need? Yes. (And no, there is always more fashion to be had; no such thing as too many clothes!) Or is the moral of the story that we shouldn’t be so scared of what we want? Yes.
My mini dress? It’s everything I thought this summer should be: fun, flirty, and fantastic. The dots and long sleeves keep it just classy enough, and the other thing these dots needed?
Investment Piece: Dots. Spots. Minis
Investment Piece: Dots. Spots. Minis
Investment Piece: Dots. Spots. Minis
Investment Piece: Dots. Spots. Minis

I do love mixing patterns. And love animal prints (yes, people will say they’re “on trend” for fall. Animal prints are always on trend. And they’re neutrals!). What’s more natural than mixing dots and spots? They mimic each other, go together, and look simply perfect. There are times when I love a heel (with everything, even shorts), but with a mini I loved how these flats let me be carefree in my mini dress. (And yes, these flats look great with shorts and jeans and all the things too!)

All classics. All fun. All the things. Dots. Spots. Minis.

How are you spending the last few days of summer?

Both this mini-dress and these flats are older, but I’ve found you similar for your shopping pleasure. And yes, I’ve been given the confidence to get another mini dress, what about you?

Note: this post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

The Waiting Game

Investment Piece: The Watiing Game
Investment Piece: The Waiting Game
Investment Piece: The Waiting Game
Investment Piece: The Waiting Game
Investment Piece: The Waiting Game
Investment Piece: The Waiting Game

Loves, if your memory is long, you might remember that these shoes that were some that I have been lusting after for ages. (Ok. Years. Just years. Which felt like ages.) The best part? They are finally mine. I’m a firm believer, in fashion, that what’s meant to be ours eventually finds its way to us.

Another thing that I believe? You don’t have to pay full price for the things you lust after. You really don’t. From resale to sales, there is always a way to get what you want, stay on budget, and yet fulfill your desires. Do you have to wait some things out? Yes. Can it be a little nerve racking? Yes. But, it’s how I shop most of the time, and how I’ve built myself a closet full of investment pieces. Let’s chat about it :

Some of my favorite places to put out alerts, reguarly check, and stalk items:
The RealReal
Vestiaire Collective
Both ShopStyle and LiketoKnow.It have sale alerts. (Most of your favorite sites do as well, as well as Google!) Etsy is a great place to search for many things, not only vintage.

And need helping finding that special something? Email me at racheladelicia@investmentpiece.com, I would love to put my shopping skills to work!

Love the same shoes I did? I got them on the RealReal. Lucky you? I’ve linked some below for your shopping pleasure!

Hope that my tips for shopping change your life the way that they changed mine!

Note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that may not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

red-y set

Loves, like many of you, I was rocked by the tragic death of Kate Spade this week. I’m still wrapping my head around it, and trying to figure out what to say. Isn’t it funny that sometimes an event involving someone we don’t personally know can rock us so deeply? I know her struggle with depression and anxiety, and her worry about her brand, hit close for some of us; making this topic both difficult to talk about, and yet, impossible to ignore. I was going to write about it today, but everything I put on paper felt wrong. Then I got so wrapped up in that struggle that letting it go seemed wrong as well. I’m working on that piece, in the meantime let’s flash back to a piece and outfit that made me smile. I hope you’re week has been smooth sailing. I hope that if you’re suffering, you know how cared you are, and you know that reaching for help means you’re strong, not weak. Thinking of us all xx RA

Investment Piece: red- set
Investment Piece: Red-y Set
Investment Piece: Red-y Set

It seems just fitting to end a week where I chatted about a vintage trip (missed that? check out #fashioninthewild here) with a vintage set. It’s no secret that I have a thing for vintage. By now you know I think it’s chic and modern to mix vintage and new. And this outfit combines all of those things.

It’s a red-y set.

Yes, in my mind the word match was said. Yes, it’s a bad joke. But if you didn’t at least think it, we may have to reevaluate some things.

Investment Piece: Red-y Set
Investment Piece: red- set
Investment Piece: Red-y Set

What I love about sets? Especially this red-y set? Within the set are endless possibilities. Wear the pieces together. Wear them apart. Add accersories to your heart’s content. Keep the look simple. So many options, so many looks, so many ways to be red-y set.

This vintage won me over this past holiday season, though I like to think that this knit could be worn year round. And this red color? When isn’t red in season?

I love the classic ease of this look, it made me feel very Rosemary Clooney in White Christmas during the holiday season. Now that spring is here, it makes me feel very chic. The knit is mid-weight, meaning it can hold its shape, but isn’t too hot. I love the addition of the bigger belt–the set is a little big on me, and while I’ll tell you I’m not a belt lady, I love great waist definition. The kitten heel is my new old favorite thing. They just scream chic to me. This look is perfect for work, or drinks, or whenever you want to feel a little put together.

I’ve also rocked this skirt with a band tee and this sweater with jeans. Red-y sets may be my new go-to!

This set is vintage, as is the belt, but I’ve linked similar items and these shoes below!


Sequin Dress

Please note: this post does contain some affiliate links. While I may earn commission from them, it does not affect the price for you. Thank you for your support!

Investment Piece: Red-y Set

Mixed Patterns

Investment Piece: Mixing Patterns
Investment Piece: Mixing Patterns
Investment Piece: Mixing Patterns

Sometimes things don’t go to plan (see yesterday’s Sunday Chronicles).

Sometimes I get hung up on ideas and they don’t come to fruition. (It rained all morning when I was going to shoot)

And sometimes, I feel the need for a theme (because who doesn’t love a theme party?).

I get asked many questions. And one of the ones that keeps popping up, and one that I ponder is: how do you mix patterns?
Because the answer to this question is not cut and dried. It’s not easy. Mixing patterns is 90% experimentation, 5% courage, and 5% formula.

Investment Piece: Art of Dress

Yes, my loves. There are those of you who read that and thought: “Yay! Rachel is going to share the secret of mixed patterns.”
And then, those of you who read that and got “Um, did Rachel just say that there is no formula for mixed patterns?”

Loves, both of you are right.

Mixed patterns are hard and a scary and intimidating thing for most of us. Even if you’re a “fashion gal”. The thing is- there are no hard and fast rules about mixed patterns. I have my options and guidelines, I also talked about them here.

Investment Piece: Todd Oldham
Investment Piece: Wrap Dress

Mixed patterns. A theme I like, and a theme maybe we all need to explore. So, this week that’s what we’re going to do. What you can expect: outfits, videos and all the tips I can give and get us about mixing patterns. Maybe we can all conquer this whole mixing patterns issues together?

First up? The best advice I can give about mixed patterns. Make someone else do it for you.
What does that mean exactly? Buy a mixed pattern dress (or skirt or top). All you have to do is wear it. Simple? Cheating? Or brilliant? Either way, it’s a mixed pattern and you mastered it. So?

This week I’ll be sharing tips and really focusing on polka dots, florals, stripes, and leopard. Have another question? Another pattern that’s a must chat about? Let me know! Between videos and outfit posts and a Facebook Live (I’ll let you know the day and time) I’ll get it in!

Below I’ve linked some of my fave mixed patterns items. Can’t wait to conquer this theme with you!

PS this weekend and the week leading up to it are some of the best sale shopping you can do! Yes, you and I are going to deal with mixed patterns, on site I’ll also be posting some of my fave sales picks (and the best sales!) Also make sure you’re on my email list, Instagram, and Facebook-I’ll be posting special sale items on those places too!

Note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!
Investment Piece: Mixed Patterns

Lady in Red

InvestmentPiece, ladyinred, vintage, gown, fashion blogger, CA, TX
InvestmentPiece, ladyinred, vintage, gown, Fashionblogger, CA, TX
Investment Piece, Fashionblogger, lady in red, vintage, CA, TX
InvestmentPiece, Fashionblogger, lady in red, vintage, the kit vintage, gown, CA, TX
Investment Piece, Fashionblogger, lady in red, vintage, CA. TX
Investment Piece, fashion blogger, lady in red, vintage, gown, fashion blogger, CA, TX

Holidays or not, there’s something I love about a red dress! And this one? The details! The notched shoulder, the front and back slit, the pockets, the belt, that collar! I fell in love with it, and knew that I had to find some place to wear it! And it’s vintage–and I love knowing that it once belonged to a model from the 1960s-70s. I can only imagine the amazing things this dress has seen. And I can’t wait to add to it!

I got this number at The Kit Vintage but you can shop similar items below!