Mixing It Up

a woman in a tortoiseshell turtleneck, high waisted black pants, and white sock boots
a woman in a tortoise shell turtleneck with black high waisted pants and white sock boots
a woman in a tortoiseshell turtleneck, high waisted black pants and white sock boots

It’s festive season- and while we know there has never been a party dress that I didn’t love– there are sometimes when I love an outfit that feels festive (but could be worn anytime) but is also a little unexpected. It’s called mixing it up!

Example: I love that this turtleneck is tortoiseshell. Really, it’s so classic (the black and brown) but feels unexpected- everyone wears leopard now- and a little fresh. Pants? High waisted, cropped but in a classic black. Boots? Chanel from a few seasons ago (I found these exact boots for a few lucky sizes-linked below!). Yet, they feel a bit vintage, a bit classic, a bit new and a bit old. All together? A great winter combo -that you can probably throw together from your own closet- but also a great way to incorporate a few different things into your rotation. Mixing it up can be fun, right?

a woman in a tortoiseshell turtleneck and black high waisted pants and white sock boots
A Personal Note about Mixing It Up: I used to hate turtlenecks. Just hate them. I thought they were all too tight and itched and always felt claustrophobic in them. There was a time in my younger life when I joked that I couldn’t wear turtlenecks as I must have been strangled in a past life. VERY clearly a joke– but I was that serious about never wearing them. Then, I’m not sure what happened. Perhaps I outgrew my aversion, or found super soft and non-itchy turtlenecks, or just found it more satisfying to mix it up! Take this as a sign that all those things that you might think you may not like- maybe it’s worth it to try and mix it up. For me? Now, turtlenecks are a staple!

a woman in a tortoiseshell turtleneck and black high waisted cropped pants and white sock boots
a close up of white sock boots and black cropped pants
a woman in a tortoiseshell turtleneck with high waisted cropped black pants and white sock boots

I’m never going to stop liking party dresses. And the further we get into the holiday season, I will be in more “traditional” outfits. We will talk about plaids, metallics, velvets, lace. I have a great, VERY classic dress on its way to me that’s VERY traditional Holiday Card. Reds, greens, and even blues will be in rotation. But every now and then, it feels good to mix it up- to wear something completely unexpected that somehow still feels festive. Perhaps it’s a way to remind myself to explore and try all of our fashion options (aka beware of those ruts- even when we love them). Or, perhaps, it’s a way to feel fresh and new, no matter what the season.

How do you like to mix it up? What are some of your go-tos during this season that aren’t “traditional” but feel festive? I would love to hear about them!

Linked below are similar and inspired looks! XO RA

note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

a woman in a tortoiseshell turtleneck and black high waisted cropped pants and white sock boots

Holiday Lace

a woman in a black lace dress on a stone walk with a stone wall and trees
a woman in a black lace dress sitting on a stone wall with trees behind wall
close up of a black lace dress
a woman in a black lace dress sitting on a stone wall with trees behind wall
a woman in a black lace dress in

It’s fitting at the official start of festive (aka to me, Party Dress Season) I wear a party dress. And this party dress -or holiday lace dress- is a dress that will last. I’ve worn it not only during the holiday season but at Valentines, at Halloween, on birthdays. This black lace (or holiday lace) is a classic that will last for year and take you through all seasons. Perhaps instead of holiday lace we should call it reasonless lace!

So- here’s to the start of an amazing season of parties, dresses, love, magic, and outfits that make us feel amazing things! This number is vintage, but I’ve looked and linked some modern black lace dresses I love. I can’t wait to share all my holiday ideas, thoughts, gifts and outfits with you!


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a woman in a black lace dress in front of a stone wall and trees

Fashion Stories: Party Dress Season


tis the season. Yes, the sales. Yes, the family and the love and the magic! But also- the party dresses. It comes as no surprise that I LOVE a great party dress, and a season where you can find any excuse to wear one? I’m in- even if that if that excuse is drinking champagne with your cat! Part of why I love party dresses is that-to me- they are a symbol of caring, of hope, and of fun! So, at a time of year when it’s more than acceptable to go all out with your party dresses, I think we should.

I’m not saying that I will ONLY post/wear party dresses for the rest of the year- but know that I’m always thinking about them. And below I’ve linked quite of few of my current faves! Here’s to a season full of all the things that matter most- and a great party dress to wear!


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Post Holiday/Cyber Monday

a woman in a black turtleneck, hose and heels and a golden tile skirt

What do you do in the few days/weekend after Thanksgiving? I usually get to being productive (though fun fact: my sister’s birthday is Dec 1st so I’m trained not to truly go all out decorating for the next holiday until after my sister’s birthday- a tradition I’m so happy to keep!); however, this year I’ve taken the time to actually decompress (hopefully!). Which I hope will prepare me for the holidays to come, and of course to recoup from the holiday (and year) previous!

Yes. This means time in things completely not fashionable. Time off social media. Time just in a variation of sweats on the couch. Time thinking about what I want to wear in the coming season Something else I’ve been doing? Thinking about what I want to buy in all the Cyber Monday/Week (are we even calling it that anymore? Is it just sale month now? Is it overwhelming? Or are we giving into all the sales?)?

That certainly is a long way to say- I’ve been online shopping. Good. Bad. Or just taking advantage? I know that I should be planning my holiday season outfits. I know that these sales are not the end all and be all– AND. YET. These sales are full of deals and fashion that might serve all of us from now -through the new year.

Yes, my do-to list may be long but what if my to-shop list is better?

Below is an absolutely non-exhaustive list of not only sales but things I’m buying. What if we took another day to relax, and treat ourselves to any any all the things we might need? From new dresses to time on the couch?

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A Strong Suit
I LOVE a good suit- weird as I could work in yoga pants all day! But I do. And while I could tell you that you could buy vintage (and you can!) but I’m in love with this 3 piece grey wool that will be a hit at any holiday party and throughout the new year:

Anthropologie is 50% off
From faux leather to knits to must have party dresses, everything is 50% off at Anthropologie today and these are some of what I’m loving:

Kate Spade at 60% off
From shoes to bags to jewelry! Everything today is 60% off at Kate Spade and these are some of my most favorites:

a woman in leather skirt and plaid shirt and sandals

I have to admit that I’m relishing in all of the time that is a little bit down. I’m also excited about these deals and the more to come. This week: I’m working on decorations, my sister’s birthday and all the things I want to wear this season! Is it a lot? Maybe. Or maybe it’s just a way to truly ring in the season!

I hope you got all of the rest and more you needed this weekend.And I hope that everything you love it on sale!


Holiday Week Outfits

This week starts the holiday crazy. Travel. Food. Time with family and loved ones. Events from dinners to cocktails to parties. And while there are various outfits needed for all of those holiday plans. I usually know exactly what to wear- but I have to say that Thanksgiving usually gives me pause.

There is no tried and true and set Thanksgiving plan (or outfit). That’s part of the fun of this holiday- it can be anything from a casual affair on the couch to a formal event with suits and ties. My family? A little of both. We will do a big lunch, not too formal, but maybe a little dressy? And then we change to spend the afternoon watching football and movies. This year I’m still deciding what to wear.

Without knowing your specific plans or your family, I also don’t know what to recommend for your holiday week. So, what I’ve done is round up a few outfits that I love for the week- from more casual to formal inspiration. Hopefully, one of these looks sends us confidently in the holiday outfit of our dreams!

a woman in plaid pants with a black silk cami and a camel coat
A bit of both worlds? Silks and plaids, but these wool pants are so comfy it doesn’t feel like dressing up! Of course you could pair with any shoes you love, but I like the flats here!

a woman in a dark floral dress in front of a table
This dress is perfect for Thanksgiving! Just a bit formal, and while it’s floral it feels like fall with the dark colors. Pair with heels and it’s a great “more fancy” option!

a woman in a silk midi skirt and cashmere sweater
I feel like any version of this outfit is a winner! Midi skirt. Sweater. Or truly any top. Heels, boots, flats. There are so many ways to style these classics and is many ways to make this fit a casual or more formal event!

 a woman with a midi dress with a low back and boots
Another no fail formula? Dress with boots. Dress up. Dress down. Eat all the pie!

a woman in a rainbow sweat suit and trench coat
Very casual option that still feels put together? Sweats. Match them (or pair with a sweater or button down). Perfect for Friendsgiving, post eating naps and the casual holidays!

a woman in an apron over a black dress
A realistic option? A chic apron. Put it over anything and let your loved ones tell you how amazing everything tastes!

What are your plans? And do you know what you’ll be wearing? I’m looking over these- and may end up in more than one similar outfit! I, of course, will be posting pics and telling you all about it!
I would love to hear all about yours too!


a woman in black leggings, gold wedge boots, and a grey pinstripe blazer
a woman in black leggings, gold wedge boots, and a grey pinstripe blazer
a woman in black leggings, gold wedge boots, and a grey pinstripe blazer
a woman in black leggings, gold wedge boots, and a grey pinstripe blazer
a woman in black leggings, gold wedge boots, and a grey pinstripe blazer

Yes, there has never been a party dress that I didn’t love (and want to buy). And most of the time I plan shoots (down to every detail). Yet. While I love editorial fashion and shoots, fashion is part of my daily life. And a lot of that is finding pieces I love- and wearing them to and from the gym.

Take these boots (stunning! Make me feel like Wonder Woman! also, from season ago but I have found them for you!)- a bit much but I did wear them to the grocery store after Pilates. Paired, of course, with this over sized pinstripe blazer (note: I wanted to cross the blazer and tie it with a belt, but it’s so thick that the belt I Brough didn’t fit over it!). The leggings, etc? What I wore to Pilates (though I did pair them for a black tank top for that!).

Ironically? Weirdly? I didn’t plan this shoot. And while I did plan this outfit, it didn’t end up like I expected. Another outfit and shoot was planned- but I’ll be honest I had a day where I was freezing and not feeling 100% and just not up to changing my outfit a million times (which lets you know I was really out of sorts!). However, I needed to feel special (and warm!) so after my Pilates class I threw on this blazer, and because I can’t let any piece just be, I threw on these boots. This mural? I pass by it all the time- have even thought of shooting here- but on a whim stopped to take some pictures.

My hair is filthy here. Nothing was to plan.It was completely spontaneous. Yet, it’s a great look at how I actually dress day to day, my thought process- and the spontaneous shoot was as fun and I love the looks. Maybe spontaneous looks good?

a woman in black leggings, gold wedge boots, and a grey pinstripe blazer

Some spontaneous thoughts:
-I am so glad it’s finally cold enough to wear blazers like this! I still want to cross it and belt it- but now I know to get a bigger belt!
-Anything over leggings is great- and I’m such a fan of any outfit that feels great, even if the building blocks are “simple”
-Great shoes are truly a great investment. I got stopped by so many people at the grocery store who asked about these! That always makes my day!
-Even the best plans go awry, and while we can’t always plan on it- spontaneous sometimes being the winner.

What are some of your best spontaneous outfits or work events? I would love to hear about them! I’ve linked this exact blazer and I did find some of these exact shoes for you!

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a woman in black leggings, gold wedge boots, and a grey pinstripe blazer

Holidays Are Coming…..

a woman in a red maxi dress with short sleeve and black velvet heels

I realize that the fact that holidays are coming is not news. In fact, you may be prepped and ready and excited. Me, on the other hand? I’ve spent the past month redoing my closet (and started on the kitchen last night) and while my family and I have chatted about holiday plans- it truly hit me last night that the holidays are really coming. Soon. And really, are kind of here?

Are you ready? (Just tell me no) How do we get ready?

A woman in a red dress and black velvet heels
A close up of a red dress hem and black velvet and gold heels
a woman in. a red dress and black velvet heels

If you’ve come this far thinking I might have amazing tips for cooking (I do my grandma’s Pecan Pie!) and decor tips you’re going to be incredibly disappointed when I tell you that I mainly shop. That’s how I holiday prep. I plan outfits. Get excited about parties (and then mainly stay home!), and buy party dresses (and shoes!). Buy presents. Buy new Holiday items. Somehow shopping is my answers.

So. This is the week I start. From gifts to outfits, to things for the house, I’ll be making (and sharing) my lists, planning and shopping. Starting with? The perfect ThanksGiving Outfit:

a collage of black over the knee boots and a red knit and black scarf mini dress

(I may have a thing for red!)
What I love about this outfit is that it’s simple but chic. And easy to eat in! I love the sweater dress that feels a bit vintage. And yes- you could wear almost any shoes with this dress, but I love pairing over the knee boots- to keep you warm and cover up just enough (no relative will get to say anything to you!). This may be the first holiday purchase that goes in bag!

(Now to get gifts, decor, and all the rest!)

a woman in a red dress

One of my favorite ways to prep (and holiday buy)- holiday dresses. Again, red may be my favorite (just so cheery and chic and this year, incredibly on trend). So below I’ve rounded up some of my current favorite red dresses (and velvet heels!) as well as the above Thanksgiving outfit!

If you have any “real” tips on how to holiday prep, I’m all ears (especially if they involve party dresses!). Am I stressed that the holidays are coming? Maybe. But I have a feeling we can get through them together (or order enough online to hide that!)


note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them!

Modern Musing

 a woman in a black mini Dress over black cropped pants with asymmetrical black and tan heels
 a woman in a black mini Dress over black cropped pants with asymmetrical black and tan heels
 a woman in a black mini Dress over black cropped pants with asymmetrical black and tan heels
 a woman in a black mini Dress over black cropped pants with asymmetrical black and tan heels
 a woman in a black mini Dress over black cropped pants with asymmetrical black and tan heels

Ever have an outfit that you’re just trying out but all of the sudden feels as if it’s a sign of good things to come? Or an outfit that makes you feel as if you’re moving forward? Perhaps became it’s a bit fashion forward- or at least out of your comfort zone- or perhaps because it’s layered in ways you wouldn’t have thought of?

I think of myself as fashionable and on top of trends and fashion movements, and willing to try new things. Ironically, I’ve layered this exact mini dress over these exact pants before (and I liked that outfit too) but there was something about this outfit- maybe that it is a mini dress over cropped pants. (A great way to wear a mini if you’re worried about minis or if you’re cold or if you’re into a bit of modern dressing!) Or perhaps the shoes- these are AWAKE Mode (you can buy them here – not an affiliate link!) and I just love the asymmetrical design! (Also, they are one of my fave UK/fashion forward brands!) Or perhaps all my modern musing is due to the fact that it feels as if it’s a time to move forward.

I know, I know. Fall is not thought of the time of forward movement. And fall leads to winter- and we think of winter as a time to go inward. Yet- someone I know recently said that fall/winter are times of growth and forward movement- it’s just that it’s the roots that are growing, it is inward growth but that’s still movement. As you know, I recently redid my closet- and am still in the process of a deep cleaning/redoing of the house. Which is movement. And while the past few years have felt heavy- both personally and collectively (and this is not me discarding all the awful that’s out there) it finally feels that maybe we are going forward together.

Or maybe that’s just hope. Or a fantastic outfit. But there’s a bit of hope lately. And I’m hoping it stays.

On a fashion note- I feel as if there is often a fear about fashion forward. That it might be too “out there” or too “much”. When to me- fashion forward is just anything thought of in a different way. Aka – wear a mini over something. Mismatched as matched. And when those things feel AMAZING maybe we wear them more?

Really, perhaps the best modern musing is thinking about what we want to be or do- now or in the future- and creating it for ourselves. What do we want to be, do, and wear? I believe in us enough to get there- and I might wear these shoes!

I’ve linked similar items below. Here’s to all of our futures- what are you musing about?

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a woman in black mini dress over cropped black pants and asymmetrical shoes

Too Much

a woman in a black v neck with black trousers and pink mules
a woman in a black v neck and black trousers and pink mules
a woman in a v neck with black trousers and pink mules
a woman in a v neck and black trousers with pink mules

Too much is often used as an insult. But the thing is? I know I’m too much. Fashion wise? I have never met a party dress that I didn’t love, statement pieces are my go-tos, I treat metallics and animal prints like neutrals. And in life? I feel deeply- which means I can be over the top loving and get over the top mad. Middles? I don’t do well. All of this I’m working on.

(I’ve also written about causal styling being a bit out of my comfort zone here.)

In life I’m working on being more steady and being a better communicator with my loved ones. Fashion? That’s where it gets tricky. The thing with my fashion is- I like being too much. Fashion forward, over dressed, party dresses, suits- I genuinely LOVE wearing them. And I wear them a lot (when I’m not in gym clothes). I don’t think of my fashion as too much- just as who I am. Yet. As I age. (The caveat I have to say for ego is- I’m not THAT old!) I’m beginning to appreciate simple outfits. The great pair of trousers, the fantastic top. Perhaps or perhaps not paired with shoes that could be statements. Things you can throw on without thought but would be fantastic.

And what I’m coming to believe is that perhaps (with the right pieces or right person) even simple might be too much- and maybe that’s perfect!

a woman in a v neck and black trousers and pink mules
a woman in a black v neck, black trousers, and pink mules
a woman in a black v neck with black trousers and pink mules

When people tell you that you’re too much, they usually want you to be less (and the opposite of that is one of my favorite sayings:”If I’m too much then go find less!”). Of course, there are times to temper our emotions, our reactions, and perhaps ball gowns aren’t called for on the treadmill or the grocery store- there are times when diluting yourself serves no one. Mainly you. I often and firmly state that part of why I think fashion is important is that it’s a way to tell our stories and our stories are important. There may be NOTHING that can move me from this point of view. Sometimes our stories (and outfits and feelings and etc) are BIG. But if they’re ours- who cares?

I think what I am trying to say is that being less of yourself isn’t a way to be – or to dress. The things that bring you big feelings or great outfits or anything that makes you feel alive- I don’t believe in dimming that. Especially when even simple can be big!

a woman in a black v neck with black trousers and pink mules

Being one to love the “too much”, how I loved this outfit surprised me. Trousers are IN- and you can find them at every price point, but I find the best ones are a bit wide, but fitted at the waist. (Fun fact I used to hate pleated pants, but I guess that a lot changes when you’re not 18!) This body suit is years, years, old- but I love the v neck and the strappy ties. Paired with a mule that’s both statement and work go-to? A lot of simple- it’s black, classic, on trend but NOT over the top. And it’s too much- unexpected details, fitted well, and could go from work to cocktails. I also felt great in it; and when you’re someone who feels at home in party dresses, a simple outfit feeling great is quite the compliment.

Can you be too much (or all that you are) in outfits that aren’t too much? Or- are simple outfits just as impactful as statement outfits? When I was younger, I thought that the answer to both of these questions was no. However, my opinion on these issues, as well as how to style simple but impactful outfits, is changing as I get not as young. What is your stance on being too much? Or how that connects to your outfits?

I’ve linked these exact trousers and similar bodysuits and shoes for your not too much but just enough outfits below!

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a woman in a black v neck and black trousers with pink mules

Fashion Halloween: America’s Favorite Doll

a woman in a peach dress and white corset with long blonde hair
a woman in a peach dress with a white corset and a long blonde wig
a woman in a peach dress with a white corset and a long blonde Wig
a woman in a peach dress and a white corset and a long blonde wig

I know you know I know who I had to dress up for as the finale to my fashion Halloween. It’s not really a surprise- but I did chose the Peaches and Cream doll, as she was my favorite growing up! So, at the least I hope that this version of America’s Favorite Doll is a bit different from all the others you’ve seen at parties, or will see Trick-O-Treating this week.

One of the best things about America’s Favorite Doll is that she can be (and is!) everything. Astronaut. Doctor. Vet. Ballerina. Mermaid. Or just her. Perhaps that’s the magic, or the fun, of being her for Halloween. Yes, you could go the route of all of the dolls in the movie from this summer (and I’ve linked amazing options for that below, that will most likely get there in time if you order NOW!), but how fun is it- and a bit more personal to chose your favorite version of the doll, or the doll version of your favorite occupation.

This Peaches and Cream was one of my most favorite things to come out of 1984 (when I was clearly VERY, VERY young!); my sister and I each had more than one (from birthday parties, etc) but she was always a favorite. I tried to recreate the look with a vintage peach dress- complete with floral details- I put a white corset top over, nude heels, and a long blonde wig to make the look complete.

Yes, I’m now sad that I didn’t splurge for the better wigs. And yes, I keep referring to Barbie as America’s favorite doll because as a proud member of SAG-AFRTA I’m still on strike (the movie doesn’t need free promotion from me!). I know that there’s been a lot of chatter and misconceptions about the union’s stance on Halloween Costumes- and let me be clear- no one is coming after your kids costumes, or most people’s costumes- it’s just while we are asking for a fair contract for the labor that we do, the union asks us not to do work for the studios. Which includes promotions. Especially free promotions. I get that it’s all a fine line, and it hits on emotions. All I can relate it to is that when I was a kid and DESPERATELY wanted a Coke T-shirt (to be like a cool kid), my mom wouldn’t buy me one unless Coke was paying me to be a billboard. Kid me hated that- adult me- especially adult me in the industry gets it. And besides- we can still be America’s Favorite Doll without promoting for free, full of all the details we love!

 a woman in a peach dress with a white corset and flower detail
a woman in a peach dress with a white corset and a long, blonde wig

Tomorrow night is one of my favorite nights of the year. I love seeing costumes, wearing costumes- even though usually I’m at home giving out candy and watching Hocus Pocus on repeat! It’s a night where maybe the best of us comes out: strangers come over and we welcome them with love. I hope that your Halloween is AMAZING and fashionable and I would love to hear what you’re dressing up as!

Again, options for America’s favorite doll are linked below. With or Without Prime, they should be able to get to you on time!

Note: This post does contain affiliate links. While that does not affect the price for you, I may earn commission from them. Thank you for your support!

a woman in a peach dress with a white corset and long blonde wig