Can we be honest? We live in a world that makes it easy to get caught up in what you want, what you don’t have, and what’s wrong. There’s a time and a place for that, but again, honestly, we have so much to be grateful for–if you have running water and a roof over your head you’re rich, believe it or not. And while it’s easy to get caught up, I do my best to focus on the small things that I am grateful for. After all, a conversation with a dear friend reminded me–the small things matter a lot, and the more you’re grateful the more you have! Below are some small moments that meant a lot to me this week–I’d love to know, what are you grateful for today?
Wishing us all a week of blessings and amazing shoes! XO RA
Good morning coffee in my lucky pig mug
Rereading sweet notes and getting texts from dear friends
Cooler weather and Football!
Watching one of my all time favorite movies–I was Malecifent for Halloween before it was cool
Getting to spend time with my sister and visit Art Museums!
Homemade Paleo Banana Muffins that taste even better than they look!
Happy Sunday!