Sunday Rituals
Whether you think of Sunday as the beginning of the week or the end of the week, Sundays seem to be day when people have routines that they stick to. Laundry and calling your family. Brunch and “Sunday Funday” with friends. Relaxing and reading.In season, watching football (and I will try my hardest not to make this corner a football corner when that season comes!). There is a comfort in knowing what to do and expect on a day of the week–and hopefully you get some rest in there too!
I love Sundays–and yes, I fall into the football ritual group. No matter what I do on Sundays though, I try to take a good half hour to myself. I’m a planner and a list maker (other rituals that bring me comfort), and I like to plan out my week. I know that things will always pop up, but having an idea of what I need to get done always clears my mind–and makes starting the week less stressful.
I’d love to know–what are some of your Sunday rituals?