Clothes as Biography


I inherited my grandma’s minks this week- which was incredibly bittersweet. I vividly remember playing in them when I was a little girl; and looking forward to the day when they would be mine. As much as I will miss my grandma, I know I will love wearing these- and will always feel her with me. Her name is still embroidered on the lining:

The funny thing? I can count on one hand the number of times I saw my grandma wear these coats. And yes, they are special occasion, and yes that’s what we tend to pass down- but when I picture my grandma I see her in her day to day outfits. Slacks. A blouse. Sensible shoes. So while I love this coat, and have memories of my grandma in it, her biography is really told in her grease stained apron, her favorite worn slacks, the blue dress she wore to church. The mink was something she was proud of, something she loved, but it’s not her whole story. And it got me thinking- if the things we leave behind tell who we are what would you know from my closet?
My closet is vast so there might be a lot. There’s my love of shoes
(And this isn’t even half). There are tons of jeans, jackets, bags. You might get that I love to dress up and am sarcastic
Of course the latest addition is this coat, and what I’m really hoping my closet tells you is how much I enjoyed it (life and my closet)- and how much those things love me back!

Happy Thursday!!! XO RA

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.