A spring pastel that I can get behind? Lavender. Just spring enough. Just daring enough.
Here I love the cowl collar I love that this dress feels fresh but is just easy to throw on. I love the gold clash. The storm? Was a bit a luck.
And this back? I love it. It’s a bit more than I would usually do (yes. I know I have some marks from old injuries- we all have things we are hiding!)
Maybe the song is right, maybe we should all stay in the lavender haze.
Some notes:
This dress is not new- I have been waiting till my back looked better to wear it- though I have to say acceptance is a lesson of its own. I kinda love it paired with boots (though any maxi dress especially in a lavender color would look amazing with any show from sandals to heels to wedges). A dress like this could absolutely be dressed down. Dressed up.
Perhaps this post is a bit less about their exact outfit and a bit more about how to dress in colors that make you feel great and bring you joy. You should. A bit about how to let go of what others think and your perceived or not flaws and find that you can love anything you put on- as long as you love it.
Note. Those are not easy lessons and things to deal with. I am constantly struggling – not only with these lessons but writing with them and how to deal with my own ego.
Maybe the lasting message is staying in our own lavender haze is fantastic- and whatever makes us feel great there is something we should take with us.
I have linked options including these amazing boots that I can’t stop pairing with everything.
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