Knit Dreams

a woman in a strapless pink knit dress with a blue eyed brooch and black heels in front of a Lilly with a blue back ground mural
a woman in a strapless pink knit dress with a blue eyed brooch and black heels in front of a Lilly with a blue back ground mural
a woman in a strapless pink knit dress with a blue eyed brooch and black heels in front of a Lilly with a blue back ground mural
a woman in a strapless pink knit dress with a blue eyed brooch and black heels in front of a Lilly with a blue back ground mural

When we think of sweaters and knits, I know that they can come across as bulky and a bit boring. And this is from someone who always thinks that she will LOVE sweater weather. And cold weather. And all the kinds of weather where we can layer and bulk and all the winter things. Then I remember that I have spent most of my life in places where winter is under 60 and snow (if there is ever any -though I always wish for it- melts in a day). When it turns cold, or even a bit chilly, perhaps it’s not that our fashion gets limited, perhaps it’s just that I am late to the game at dressing for cold weather. Or knits.

But. I am learning!

Take the above knit dress. Not boring. A statement (that pink color! The shape! The pockets!). Knit boring? Not on my watch. Just a bit of knit. A lot of dreaming about chic dressing. And some realizing the two aren’t so separate.

a woman in a strapless pink knit dress with a blue eyed brooch and black heels in front of a Lilly with a blue back ground mural
a woman in a strapless pink knit dress with a blue eyed brooch and black heels in front of a Lilly with a blue back ground mural
a woman in a strapless pink knit dress with a blue eyed brooch and black heels in front of a Lilly with a blue back ground mural

I was drawn to this knit dress for a few reasons ( and yes, the color and shape and the pockets!), but there are so many ways to style this. You could layer- a turtleneck or shirt underneath. Or a shirt or turtleneck or blazer over. I love it with heels. But it would be oh so chic with boots. Or tights. Flats. Oh so many, many options.

Perhaps that is what knit (weather, dreams) is about- there are options with sweaters and knits and layers and tights and the like. Yes, hot weather is full of chic looks. And winter clothes can be bulking- and maybe even some of them are boring and basic. Yet. You can layer and opt for knit dreams that leave you both cozy but oh so chic.

This is usually where I let you know that the shopping options are affiliate links- and while I do always appreciate the support (and you can always shop with me via links in bio), but these options? Not affiliate. Just a knit dress I couldn’t live without (again. Have you seen the color and the shape and the pockets?) and a brooch that just I knew that I had to have!

This dress is currently sold out (but may come back!), but the brand is Hanifa. This is my third piece from the brand and I can’t tell you how I love them.

This brooch is from GardenWinks on etsy and while this broth may be sold out, there are so many options that are similar and again- oh so chic.

a woman in a strapless pink knit dress with a blue eyed brooch and black heels in front of a Lilly with a blue back ground mural

What are your knit dreams like? Cozy? Chic? Both? I would love to know- and if you have any real winter dressing tips I am forever all ears!


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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.

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