Sunday Chronicles: Hostess Gifts

Investment Piece: Hostess Gifts

Beginning this week, many of us will be traveling to friends and family, bringing with us holiday cheer and (hopefully) pie. From the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday through the entire holiday season, we will most likely be eating/staying/partying at someone else’s home. Which begs the question: what should you do about a hostess gift?

I’m from the South and a big fan of the hostess gift. Even if it’s just a bottle of wine. Sometimes, especially if it’s a bottle of wine. Beyond the way a hostess gift allows you to contribute to the festivities, I’m a fan of the way a hostess gift says thank you for opening your home.

This is not the only time you’ll hear me say this, but I think that gift giving is personal. I have no idea what the people in your life might like, or your relationship to gifting with them. At the very least, I hope that my gift guides inspire you to find something special for your gifts. At the most, I hope my picks are something you can give! And in between, I hope that my gift guides make shopping for gifts if not fun, bearable.

But back to the hostess gifts.
**According to my mom, and etiquette specialist, if you’re bringing food to a party you don’t have to bring a hostess gift. I’m letting you make that call.

Below are my picks for hostess gifts. You’ll notice most of them are small, related to eating and drinking, and inexpensive. There’s no need to go over the top with a hostess gift.

That being said—if the hostess is someone you’re incredibly close to, feel free to pick something personal and not related to the party. From a book she’d love to something she collects (I collect vintage perfume bottles), anything that says “thank you” is a great idea.

And if nothing else, there’s wine.

I’d love to know: what are your go-to hostess gifts?

Wishing us all a week of merry and shoes! Xo RA

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Actress, avid shopper, and a lover of fashion. Hoping to make the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.